
25-27 January 2019, Mannheim, Germany

A conference for discussing research on the credibility, transparency, and replicability of social science research and a forum for discussing the state of and future directions for open science in the social sciences.

Practicing New Standards in Transparency and Reproducibility

About a decade ago, John Ioannidis claimed that “most published research findings are false”. While seeming outrageous at the time, a growing body of meta-scientific research in the behavioral and social sciences has since substantiated this claim, causing uncertainty about the trustworthiness of published scientific findings. We believe that threats to the validity of published findings in the social sciences are widespread and systemic. Therefore, this conference promotes introspection about the current state of social science research and exchange on the opportunities for institutional and methodological improvement in the future. It is interdisciplinary in nature. Scholars working in any branch and within any methodology of the social sciences are invited to attend. The conference is supported by the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) and will take place from 25-27 January 2019 at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) in Mannheim, Germany.

Conference recording

Watch the entire conference on YouTube 

Debating Open Science

Advancing Open Science

Doing Open Science

Pre-Registration Challenge

Crowdsourced Replication Initiative

Keynote Speakers

Arthur Lupia

University of Michigan

Thomas König

University of Mannheim

Julia Rohrer

University of Leipzig

Jeremy Freese

Stanford University


Organizing Committee


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