Project information
Project directors
Intermediation of Interests in the European Union
Interessenvermittlung in der EuropäischenUnion Médiation des intérêts dans l’Union Européenne
Reprezentacja interesów w Unii Europejskiej
Selected publications by the project directors on
interest intermediation in the EU
- Quittkat, Christine (2015): Europäische Interessenvermittlung französischer Wirtschaftsverbände: Ein französisch-deutscher Vergleich. Pp. 55-75 in: Deutsch-Französisches Institut (Ed.) Frankreich Jahrbuch 2014. Zivilgesellschaft in Frankreich, Deutschland und Europa. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Abstract
- Kohler-Koch, Beate (2014): Representation as the cornerstone for efficient and legitimate governance. Pp. 215-235 in: Sandra Kröger (Ed.) Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in times of crisis?. London/New York: Routledge.
- Kotzian, Peter, and Christine Quittkat (2014): Konsultationsprozess der Kommission: Steuerung von EU-Lobbying?. Pp. 73-89 in: Doris Dialer, Margarethe Richter (Eds.) Lobbying in der Europäischen Union: Zwischen Professionalisierung und Regulierung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.Abstract
- Knodt, Michèle, Christine Quittkat and Justin Greenwood (Eds.) (2012): Functional and Territorial Interest Representation in the EU. London and New York: Routledge. [Originally published as special issue of Journal of European Integration]
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2012): Post-Maastricht Civil Society and Participatory Democracy. Journal of European Integration, 34, issue 7, p. 808-824. Abstract
- Kohler-Koch, Beate with Rainer Eising 2005: Interessenpolitik im europäischen Mehrebenensystem, in: Rainer Eising, Beate Kohler-Koch (eds.): Interessenpolitik in Europa. Baden-Baden, 11-75. Full text (pdf)
- Kohler-Koch, Beate and Christine Quittkat 1999: Intermediation of Interests in the European Union. Arbeitspapiere - Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung / Nr. 9. Mannheim 1999. Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Kohler-Koch, Beate and Vanessa Buth 2009: Civil Society in EU Governance – Lobby Groups like Any Other?. TranState Workingpapers 2009 / No. 108. Bremen: 2009. [Sonderforschungsbereich 597]. Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Quittkat, Christine 2002: Les organisations professionnelles françaises: Européanisation de la médiation des intérêts, Politique européenne, 2002: 7, 66-95. Abstract
- Quittkat, Christine 2009: The Europeanization of Professional Interest Intermediation: National Trade Associations in a French-German Comparison, in: Conor McGrath (eds.): Interest Groups & Lobbying in Europe. Lewiston, N. Y., 125-159. Abstract
- Quittkat, Christine 2011: The European Commission's Online Consultations - A Success Story?, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2011: (49) 3, 653-674. Full text (PDF)
- Quittkat, Christine and Peter Kotzian (2011): Lobbying via Consultation – Territorial and Functional Interests in the Commission’s Consultation Regime. Journal of European Integration [Special Issue 2011: Territorial and Functional Interest Intermediation in the EU], 33, issue 4, p. 401-418. Abstract