No. N-05-01
Sabina Avdagic, Martin Rhodes and Jelle Visser
The Emergence and Evolution of Social Pacts: A Provisional
Framework for Comparative Analysis
Published: September 19,
This paper provides the scientific framework for the NEWGOV
project Distributive Politics, Learning and Reform. In Part
I, we establish our own definition and conceptualization of
social pacts. We distinguish four types of pacts with different
scope and depth: shadow pacts, headline pacts, coordinated
wage setting, and embedded pacts akin to neocorporatist concertation.
Part II is concerned with institutional formation, i.e. how
such social pacts come into existence. We outline some standard
functionalist accounts of institutional emergence, and critically
examine them before proposing an alternative bargaining model.
Part III is concerned with institutional development, i.e.
what determines the continuation and institutionalization
of social pacts or their de-institutionalization and demise.
Based on the taxonomy of social pacts presented in Part I,
we define two alternative evolutionary paths for social pacts
(institutionalization and de-institutionalization), and identify
three types of trajectory along which social pacts develop
(repetition vs. abandonment; integration vs. disintegration;
and expansion vs. reduction). We then outline four alternative
mechanisms that may potentially drive the institutionalization
or de-institutionalization of pacts. Grounded in the four
major approaches for analysing institutions, i.e. the functionalist,
utilitarian, normative, and power-distributional perspectives,
this section proposes four groups of hypotheses to be evaluated
in our empirical research.
comparative public policy, political economy, sociological
institutionalism, corporatism, policy learning, policy networks,
organization theory, interest intermediation
Sabina Avdagic
– European University Institute and Max-Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies, Cologne
Martin Rhodes – European University
Jelle Visser – Department of Sociology
and Anthropology, University of Amsterdam
© 2005 Sabina Avdagic,
Martin Rhodes and Jelle Visser
Citing this EUROGOV
Avdagic, Sabina, Martin Rhodes and Jelle Visser. 2005. The
Emergence and Evolution of Social Pacts: A Provisional Framework
for Comparative Analysis. European Governance Papers (EUROGOV)
No. N-05-01,