Coalition Conflict and Party Politics

Research question/goal: 

Coalition cabinets are the dominant form of government in Western Europe. Theoretical and empirical coalition research to this date has largely focused on government formation and duration but neglected coalition governance. The project comparatively researches the occurrence of coalition conflicts, their causes and consequences. The project includes both inter- and intra-party conflicts and events. The project aims at creating a data set that will allow the quantitative testing of dynamic coalition theories. The project also includes a control group of countries with single-party governments.

Current stage: 

The project preparation has been completed with securing the database and developing the measurment instruments. Due to Wolfgang C. Müller’s move to the University of Vienna it will be terminated at the MZES. A research proposal will be submitted there.

Fact sheet

2004 to 2011
continued elsewhere
Data Sources: 
Literature review, party documents, media reports
Geographic Space: 
Western Europe



Miller, Bernhard (2011): Der Koalitionsausschuss: Existenz, Einsatz und Effekte einer informellen Arena des Koalitionsmanagements. Baden-Baden: Nomos. [Studien zum Parlamentarismus; 18] more
Strøm, Kaare, Wolfgang C. Müller and Torbjörn Bergman (Eds.) (2008): Cabinets and Coalition Bargaining. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Comparative Politics] more
Dachs, Herbert, Peter Gerlich, Herbert Gottweis, Helmut Kramer, Volkmar Lauber, Wolfgang C. Müller and Emmerich Tálos (Eds.) (2006): Politik in Österreich: Das Handbuch. Wien: Manz. more