Aytan Gahramanova
Peace strategies in "frozen" ethno-territorial conflicts: integrating reconciliation into conflict management : the case of Nagorno-Karabakh

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Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 103
ISSN: 1437-8574

The working paper argues for the need of a re-conceptualization of the peace building approach in the context of the South Caucasus. In this regard, using the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as a case study, it is argued that peace strategies based on a sequential approach (i.e., conflict settlement followed by peacebuilding) is harmful for positive conflict transformation, both in terms of sustainability of the settlement and long- term structural change especially in protracted conflict settlement.
Therefore, peacebuilding should take place in accordance with concrete and feasible goals to be achieved; this implies that peacebuilding can be supportive in a protracted, or "frozen," pre-settlement phase ("no peace, no war") and can facilitate the peacemaking/conflict settlement process through positive transfor-mation. Hence, peace building is suggested to be linked to conflict management and reconciliation goals. By analysing the nature of conflict transformation in the case of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict the corresponding entry points for peacebuilding activities with a special focus on socio-cultural and political aspects are recommended by the author.