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8586 results

Rajski, Hannah, and Martin Elff (2023): The Effect of Incumbents‘ Partisanship on the Formation of Party Identification. [ECPR General Conference, Prague, September 04th to September 08th, 2023] more
Rajski, Hannah, and Martin Elff (2023): The Effect of Incumbents‘ Partisanship on the Formation of Party Identification. [13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, June 22nd to June 24th, 2023] more
Rapp, Milena (2023): Eurosceptic Dominance Meets Reluctant Pro-Europeanism - The electoral salience of the European integration issue in national, multidimensional policy spaces. [13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, June 22nd to June 24th, 2023] more
Rapp, Milena (2023): Eurosceptic dominance meets reluctant pro-Europeanism: The electoral salience of the European integration issue in national, multidimensional policy spaces. [Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Europa- und Regionalismusforschung (DVPW), Saarbrücken, May 25th to May 26th, 2023] more
Rapp, Milena, and Anna-Sophie Kurella (2023): The asymmetric pattern of voter positions and salience of environmental and immigration issues in European electorates: Incentives for issue expansion of Green and Right parties?. [80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 13th to April 16th, 2023] more
Rettig, Leonie, Lea Gärtner and Harald Schoen (2023): Facing trade-offs: The variability of public support for climate change policies. Environmental Science & Policy, 147, pp. 244-254. more
Rettig, Tobias, and Bella Struminskaya (2023): Memory Effects in Online Panel Surveys: Investigating Respondents’ Ability to Recall Responses from a Previous Panel Wave. Survey Research Methods, 17, issue 3, pp. 301-322. more
Rettig, Tobias, Annelies G. Blom and Jan Karem Höhne (2023): Memory Effects: A Comparison Across Question Types. Survey Research Methods, 17, issue 1, pp. 37-50. more
Revilla, Melanie, Jan Karem Höhne and Tobias Rettig (2023): Differences in Measurement Quality Depending on Recall: Results for a Question About Trust in the Parliament. Quality & Quantity, 57, pp. 2125–2146. more
Rittmann, Oliver, Marie-Lou Sohnius and Thomas Gschwend (2023): Candidate awareness in mixed-member electoral systems: A data-driven approach. Electoral Studies, 86, (article no. 102700), pp. 1-13. more
