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46 results

Bach, Ruben L., Carina Cornesse and Jessica Daikeler (2024): Equipping the Offline Population with Internet Access in an Online Panel. Does It Make a Difference?. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 12, issue 1, pp. 80–93. more
Behrens, Lion, Dominic Nyhuis and Thomas Gschwend (2024): Political ambition and opposition legislative review: Bill scrutiny as an intra-party signalling device. European Journal of Political Research, 63, issue 1, pp. 66-88. more
Bernauer, Julian (2024): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Machine-Learning-Verfahren zur Vermessung des institutionellen Kontexts des Studierens an deutschen Hochschulen. [Studienabbrüche verstehen: Die Auswirkungen institutioneller Faktoren auf Studienverläufe, (virtual), April 29th, 2024] more
Bäck, Hanna, Marc Debus and Michael Imre (2024): Populist Radical Parties, Pariahs, and Coalition Bargaining Delays. Party Politics, 30, issue 1, pp. 96-107. more
Cohen, Denis, and Chris Hanretty (2024): Simulating Party Shares. Political Analysis, 32, issue 1, pp. 140-147. more
Debus, Marc (2024): Book Review: Rationality of Irrationality: Political Determinants and Effects of Party Position Blurring. Party Politics, 30, issue 1, pp. 200-201. more
Debus, Marc, and Felix Schulte (2024): How Party Competition Shapes Ethnic Parties’ Positions on Migration and Immigration. Party Politics, 30, issue 1, pp. 126-138. more
Debus, Marc, and Or Tuttnauer (2024): Negative campaign statements, coalition heterogeneity, and the support for government parties. Electoral Studies, 87, (article no. 102738). more
Debus, Marc, and Thorsten Faas (2024): Die hessische Landtagswahl vom 8. Oktober 2023: Die Schwäche der Ampelparteien und das überraschende Ende von Schwarz-Grün. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 55, issue 1, pp. 25-42. more
Debus, Marc, Julius Kölzer and Christian Stecker (2024): Rekorde im Westen – welche Faktoren erklären die Zugewinne der AfD in Hessen und Bayern?, DVPW-Blog more
