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232 results

Müller, Ulrich, Oke Bahnsen and Georg Alpers (2020): Anxiety Politics - Evidence from a Pre-Registered Experiment on the Impact of Threat of Shock on Political Attitudes. [43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), (virtual conference), July 14th to July 16th, 2020] more
Naumann, Elias (2020): COVID‐19 policies in Germany and their social, political, and psychological consequences. [A review of public policy responses to COVID-19 in different parts of Europe, Harvard University, Cambridge, May 15th, 2020] more
Naumann, Elias (2020): The Political Consequences of the COVID-19-Pandemic in Germany: A Longitudinal Analysis of Social Policy and Redistribution Preferences. [CIS Colloquium at ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, (virtual), December 17th, 2020] more
Naumann, Elias, and Marvin Marcus Brinkmann (2020): Explaining support for welfare chauvinism: how immigrants’ status and citizenship affect natives’ preference to exclude immigrants from access to social assistance and unemployment benefits. [ECPR General Conference, (virtual conference), August 24th to August 28th, 2020] more
Naumann, Elias, and Samir Khalil (2020): Does Contact with Migrants Reduce Worries about Immigration? A Longitudinal Analysis of Public Attitudes towards Migration in Germany. [Visiting Scholars Seminar at Harvard University: New Research on Europe, (virtual), April 03rd, 2020] more
Naumann, Elias, Katja Möhring, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse and Annelies G. Blom (2020): COVID-19 policies in Germany and their social, political, and psychological consequences. European Policy Analysis, 6, issue 2, pp. 191-202. more
Naumann, Elias, Katja Möhring, Maximiliane Reifenscheid, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Roni Lehrer, Ulrich Krieger, Sebastian Juhl, Sabine Friedel, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse and Annelies G. Blom (2020): COVID‐19 Policies in Germany and their Social, Political, and Psychological Consequences. European Policy Analysis, 6, issue 2, pp. 191-202. more
Naumann, Elias, Wouter de Tavernier, Laura Naegele and Moritz Hess (2020): Public support for sanctioning older unemployed – a survey experiment in 21 European countries. European Societies, 22, issue 1, pp. 77-100. more
Navarrete, Rosa M. (2020): Ideological proximity and voter turnout in multi-level systems: evidence from Spain. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 30, issue 3, pp. 297-316. more
Navarrete, Rosa M., and Pablo Castillo-Ortiz (2020): Constitutional courts and citizens’ perceptions of judicial systems in Europe. Comparative European Politics, 18, issue 2, pp. 128–150. more
