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1942 results

Wetzel, Anne (2012): Between Narrow and Shallow Agendas: A Comparative Analysis of the Substance of EU Democracy Promotion Policies. [Conference 'The European Union in International Affairs III', Brussels, May 03rd to May 05th, 2012] more
Wetzel, Anne (2012): Enter the EU - or not? The EU's Participation in International Organisations. [Conference 'The European Union in International Affairs III', Brussels, May 03rd to May 05th, 2012] more
Wetzel, Anne (2012): Enter the EU - or not? The EU's Participation in International Organisations. [Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association, Lucerne, February 02nd to February 03rd, 2012] more
Wetzel, Anne (2012): The Influence of International Institutions on Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the EU and its Member States. Pp. 76-95 in: Oriol Costa, Knud Erik Jørgensen (Eds.) The influence of international institutions on the EU. When multilateralism hits Brussels. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave. more
Wetzel, Anne (2012): The Institutionalisation of the EU's Role in International Organisations. [Workshop 'The EU - a Legitimate and Efficient Institutionalized Global Actor in the Making? EU in IOs Across Time: Structure, Consistency and Commitment', Brussels, June 18th to June 19th, 2012] more
Wetzel, Anne (2012): Introduction to 'The substance of EU democracy promotion: discussing concepts and comparing country cases'. [Workshop 'The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion: Comparing Country Cases', Gent, March 26th to March 27th, 2012] more
Wetzel, Anne, and Jan Orbie (2012): The EU’s Promotion of External Democracy: In Search of the Plot. Brüssel [Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Policy Brief] more
Wüst, Andreas M. (2012): Active Citizenship. [Expert Seminar on Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship Indicators, EU Commission, Lisbon, November 29th to November 30th, 2012] more
Wüst, Andreas M. (2012): The participation gap of immigrants: empirical results and political consequences. [Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg, September 19th to September 21st, 2012] more
Önnudottir, Eva Heida (2012): Does the style of representation affect issue congruence between voters and representatives?. [2nd Plenary Conference of the CCS, Mannheim, January 27th to January 29th, 2012] more
