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3296 results

Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1994): Theoretical Reflections on the Efficiency and Democracy of European Governance Structures. Brüssel [Konferenzpapier] more
Kaase, Max (1994): Is There Personalization in Politics? Candidates and Voting Behavior in Germany. International Political Science Review, 15, issue 3, pp. 211-230. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1994): Changing Patterns of Interest Intermediation in the European Union. Government and Opposition, 29, pp. 166-180. more
Kraus, Franz (1994): Social Statistics of the European Community (EC). Pp. 139-188 in: Peter Flora, Franz Kraus, Heinz-Herbert Noll, Franz Rothenbacher (Eds.) Social Statistics and Social Reporting in and for Europe. Bonn. more
Müller, Walter (1994): The Process and the Consequences of Education Differentiation. Summary Report. Berlin more
Müller, Walter, Yossi Shavit, Vered Kraus and Gerro Tally Katz (1994): Vocational Education and the Transition of Men from School to Work in Israel, Italy and Germany. Seelisberg (Schweiz) [MZES Paper presented at the ESF conference] more
Poguntke, Thomas, and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (1994): Still the Same with a New Name? Bündnis 90/Die Grünen after the Fusion. German Politics, 3, pp. 91-113. more
Rothenbacher, Franz (1994): Statistical Sources for Comparative European Social Research. International Social Science Journal (Blackwell/UNESCO), 142, pp. 541-570. more
Vaubel, Roland (1994): The political economy of centralization and the European Community. Public Choice, 81, pp. 151-190. more
Vaubel, Roland (1994): The public choice analysis of European integration: A survey. European Journal of Political Economy, 10, issue 1, pp. 227-249. more
