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155 results

Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2016): Opening Doors for Right-Wing Populism in the Electoral Arena? 'German Voters' New Mobility?. [Talk given at joint seminar of Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies and Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 11th, 2016] more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, and Robert Rohrschneider (2016): Unfähig! Wählerwahrnehmungen von Parteieninkompetenz und ihre Hintergründe. [Sozialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Universität Kaiserslautern, December 07th, 2016] more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, Mariano Torcal and Alexander Staudt (2016): Discussant Influence on Vote Choice in Multiparty Systems. [Cross-National Elections Project (CNEP) Project Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 02nd to October 03rd, 2016] more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, Mariano Torcal and Alexander Staudt (2016): Political Discussions and Vote Choice in Germany and Spain: Testing the Two-Stage Theory of Discussant Influence in Multiparty Systems. [WAPOR VII Congreso Latinoamericano, Panel 'Electoral Behavior and Political Intermediation: The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP), Monterrey, October 12th to October 14th, 2016] more
Schnaudt, Christian, and Michael Weinhardt (2016): Political participation and engagement among young and adult people in Germany over time: A re-assessment using the ‘identity-equivalence procedure’. [3rd International ESS Conference “Understanding key challenges for European societies in the 21st century”, University of Lausanne, July 13th to July 15th, 2016] more
Schäfer, Constantin, and Martin Gross (2016): What Moves Voters and Parties in Times of Crisis? A Macro-Level Analysis on the Euro Crisis Effects on Euroscepticism. [3-Länder-Tagung "Regionalismus in einer entgrenzten Welt" der DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW, Universität Heidelberg, September 29th to October 01st, 2016] more
Shen, Jing, and Irena Kogan (2016): Financial Well-Being and the Non-Pecuniary Costs of Unemployment: How Do Immigration Status and Gender Matter in Life Satisfaction of the Unemployed Population in the United Kingdom, 2009-2015?. [ISA RC28 Summer Meeting, University of Bern, August 29th to August 31st, 2016] more
Shen, Jing, and Irena Kogan (2016): Fluid Points of Reference Income and Immigrants’ Life Satisfaction in Multi-Generational Comparison: Evidence from the United Kingdom, 2009-2015. [ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, National University of Singapore, May 26th to May 28th, 2016] more
Stecker, Christian (2016): Parteimitgliedschaft und Parteipolitisierung der kommunalen Ebene. [Workshop "Politische Orientierungen von Kommunalpolitikern im Vergleich", Stuttgart, February 26th, 2016] more
Stecker, Christian (2016): Stoßen Mehrheitskoalitionen auf Länderebene an ihre Grenzen und welche Alternativen gäbe es?. [Tagung der DVPW-Sektion „Regierungssystem und Regieren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“, Schwäbisch Gmünd, November 18th to November 19th, 2016] more
