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Fux, Beat (1995): Switzerland: Persisiting Scepticism About pro-Birth Interventions. Pp. 221-244 in: Hein Moors, Rossella Palomba (Eds.) Population, Family and Welfare. A Comparative Survey of European Attitudes. Oxford: Clarendon Press. more
Henning, Christian H.C.A. (1995): A formal model of law production by government as a 'Natural Monopoly'. Pp. 601-614 in: Herbert Döring (Ed.) Parliamnts and Majority Rule in Western Europe. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag/St. Martin's Press. more
Henning, Christian H.C.A. (1995): Toward a measurement of political capital: A theoretical and emprical assessment. Pp. 22 in: Martin G. Everett, Keith Rennolls (Eds.) International Conference on Social Networks, London. Greenwich: Greenwich University Press. more
Henning, Christian H.C.A., and Petri Uusikylä (1995): The Impact of Communication Networks on Political Bargaining among Public and Private Organizations. Theoretical Conceptions and Empirical Evidence?. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 10] more
Ishida, Hiroshi, Walter Müller and John Ridge (1995): Class Origin, Class Destination and Education: A Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations. American Journal of Sociology, 101, pp. 145-193. more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1995): Theoretical Perspectives on European Governance. European Law Journal, 1, pp. 115-133. more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1995): Theoretical Perspectives on European Governance. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 07] more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus, and Beate Kohler-Koch (1995): The Transformation of Governance in the European Union. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich III; 11] more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): Europe's Federal Balance. Pp. 224-237 in: Ulrich Everding, Victor Gunawardana (Eds.) Perspectives of European Integration and South Asian Cooperation. Colombo. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): International and European Cooperation in Scientific Research: A German Point of View. Pp. 233-248 in: Ephraim Ahiram, Alfred Tovias (Eds.) Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests. Frankfurt/Main. more
