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3472 results

Babajew, Aser (2007): Die Haltung Aserbaidschans zum Bergkarabach- Konflikt in jüngster Vergangenheit und die Auswirkungen auf die innenpolitische Konstellation in Aserbaidschan. [Der Bergkarabach-Konflikt – Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Perspektiven. Zur Interessenslage regionaler und externer Akteure, Schloss Rothschild, Reichenau (Ausbildungszentrum des Österr. Bundesheeres), October 11th to October 12th, 2007] more
Babajew, Aser (2007): Interessen und Handlungsoptionen der türkischen Außenpolitik in der Kaukasus-Region am Beispiel Aserbaidschans. [Internationaler Workshop "Chancen und Herausforderungen im Kaukasus - die Rolle der Türkei als regionaler Stabilitätsfaktor", Ankara, July 09th, 2007] more
Barone, Carlo (2007): The construct validation of Isced: the Italian case. [Equalsoc seminar on "The construct validation of the Isced classification", Mannheim, March 09th to March 10th, 2007] more
Barone, Carlo (2007): Corso di laurea, ritorni dell´istruzione e riproduzione sociale: un confronto tra Germania, Austria, Italia e Spagna. [REFLEX research seminar, Mailand, November 16th, 2007] more
Barone, Carlo (2007): E´ possibile spiegare le disuguaglianze scolastiche col merito individuale?. ["Esplorare la coesione sociale” of the Italian Sociological Association, Trento, June 28th to June 30th, 2007] more
Barone, Carlo (2007): A New Look at Schooling Inequalities in Italy and their Trends over Time. [Expected and unexpected consequences of educational expansion, Ascona, July 08th to July 13th, 2007] more
Barone, Carlo (2007): A new source of inequality? Fields of study and class attainment in comparative perspective. [Workshop of the EDUC Research Group of the EQUALSOC Network of Excellence, Dijon, November 22nd to November 24th, 2007] more
Barone, Carlo, and Herman G. van de Werfhorst (2007): Education, cognitive skills and earnings in comparative perspective. ["Social Inequality and Mobility in the Process of Social Transformation?” of the ISA Research Committee 28, Brno, May 24th to May 27th, 2007] more
Bauer, Gerrit (2007): Educational Constellations of Couples and their Effects on Fertility Decisions. Observing couples with women born between 1964 and 1967 with the German Mikrozensus from 1996 to 2004.. [First Symposium of the DGD-Research Group 'Young Demographers', Rostock, October 18th to October 19th, 2007] more
Bauer, Gerrit (2007): Effects of Different Divorce Probabilities on Female Labor Force Participation and Fertility. [EQUALSOC Summer School on “Changes in the Institutional Arrangement of EU Societies and their Effects on Inequality and Social Cohesion”, Levico (Trento), July 02nd to July 07th, 2007] more
