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8579 results

Adendorf, Anna, Markus Baumann and Rosa M. Navarrete (2021): Tweeting Out Loud. Coalition Signals in Social Media. [11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021] more
Amaya, Ashley, Ruben L. Bach, Florian Keusch and Frauke Kreuter (2021): New Data Sources in Social Science Research: Things to Know Before Working With Reddit Data. Social Science Computer Review, 39, issue 4, pp. 943-960. more
Amaya, Ashley, Ruben L. Bach, Frauke Kreuter and Florian Keusch (2021): Measuring the Strength of Attitudes in Social Media Data. Pp. 163-192 in: Craig Hil, Paul P. Biemer, Trent Buskirk, Lilli Japec, Antje Kirchner, Stas Kolenikov, Lars E. Lyberg (Eds.) Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. more
Areal, João (2021): "Them" Without "Us": Negative Identities and Affective Polarisation in Brazil. [ECPR Joint Sessions, (virtual workshops), May 17th to May 18th, 2021] more
Ariaans, Mareike, and Nadine Reibling (2021): Die Medikalisierung des deutschen Armutsdiskurses. [DGMP/DGMS Kongres 2021: Psychosoziale Medizin in Zeiten des Umbruchs, (virtual conference), September 16th to September 17th, 2021] more
Ariaans, Mareike, and Nadine Reibling (2021): Die Rolle von Gesundheit und Krankheit im deutschen Armutsdiskurs: Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Armuts- und Reichtumsberichte. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 67, issue 2, pp. 123-152. more
Ariaans, Mareike, Philipp Linden and Claus Wendt (2021): Worlds of long-term care: A typology of OECD countries. Health Policy, 125, issue 5, pp. 609-617. more
Arnold, Lena (2021): Religion and Adherence to Hygiene Measures during the early COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. [4th International CILS4EU User Conference, (virtual), September 27th to September 28th, 2021] more
Astley, Christina, Gaurav Tuli, Kimberly Cord, Emily Cohn, Benjamin Rader, Tanner Varrelman, Samantha Chiu, Xiaoyi Deng, Kathleen Stewart, Tamer Farag, Kristina Barkume, Sarah LaRocca, Katherine Morris, Frauke Kreuter and John Brownstein (2021): Global monitoring of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through online surveys sampled from the Facebook user base. PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, issue 51, (article no. e2111455118). more
Auer, Daniel (2021): Firing discrimination: selective labor-market responses of firms during the COVID-19 economic crisis. [ECSR Annual Conference 2021, (virtual conference), October 07th to October 08th, 2021] more
