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8581 results

Stötzer, Lukas F., Indridi I. Indridason and Thomas Gschwend (2018): Pre-Electoral Coalition Strategies in Multiparty Systems. [27. Wissenschaftliche Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main, September 25th to September 28th, 2018] more
Szaszi, Barnabas, Bence Palfi, Aba Szollosi, Pascal J. Kieslich and Balazs Aczel (2018): Thinking dynamics and individual differences: Mouse-tracking analysis of the denominator neglect task. Judgment and Decision Making, 13, issue 1, pp. 23–32. more
Theocharis, Yannis, and Jan W. van Deth (2018): The continuous expansion of citizen participation: a new taxonomy. European Political Science Review, 10, issue 1, pp. 139-163. more
Theocharis, Yannis, and Jan W. van Deth (2018): Political Participation in a Changing World: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges in the Study of Citizen Engagement. New York: Routledge. [Routledge Focus] more
Theocharis, Yannis, and Stefanie Walter (2018): Solidarity or Antagonism? An Analysis of German News Media Reporting on Anti-Austerity Protests in Greece. Pp. 95-116 in: Tao Papaioannou, Suman Gupta (Eds.) Media Representations of Anti-Austerity Protests in the EU: Grievances, Identities and Agency. London: Routledge. more
Tuttnauer, Or (2018): If you can beat them, confront them: Party-level analysis of opposition behavior in European national parliaments. European Union Politics, 19, issue 2, pp. 278-298. more
van Damme, Maike, Sandra Krapf and Michael Wagner (2018): Housing density and its consequences in Germany: Staying, moving, or breaking-up?. [16th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Tel Aviv, October 10th to October 12th, 2018] more
van Deth, Jan W. (2018): Norms of citizenship. Pp. 13-34 in: Kris Deschouwer (Ed.) Mind the Gap. Political Participation and Representation in Belgium. London: Rowman & Littlefield. more
Weber, Hannes (2018): Higher acceptance rates of asylum seekers lead to slightly more asylum applications in the future. Demographic Research, 39, issue 47, pp. 1291–1304. more
Weber, Hannes, Steffen Hillmert and Karin Julia Rott (2018): Can digital information literacy among undergraduates be improved? Evidence from an experimental study. Teaching in Higher Education, 23, issue 8, pp. 909-926. more
