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3472 results

Schmitt, Hermann (2004): Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004. [Workshop 'Wähler und Parteien' der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Villa La Collina, Cadenabbia, July 29th to August 01st, 2004] more
Schmitt, Hermann (2004): Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004. [Max-Weber-Summer School, Universidad International Menendez Pereira, Santander, August 10th to August 13th, 2004] more
Schmitt, Hermann (2004): Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004. [Jahrestagung der Societa Italiana di Studi Electorali, Universtität Mailand, October 28th to October 29th, 2004] more
Schmitt, Hermann (2004): Ergebnisse der Europawahl 2004. ['La construction européenne au prisme des élections au Parlement européen de juin 2004' - Einladung der Association Francaise des Sciences Politiques, Europaparlament Strasbourg, November 18th to November 19th, 2004] more
Schmitt, Hermann (2004): European Election Studies, 1979 - 2004. [Workshop 'The Impact and Utility of the Eurobarometer in Social Sciences and Humanities', EU Brüssel, November 29th to November 30th, 2004] more
Schmitt, Hermann (2004): 'Legitimacy and Democracy in the EU'. [Public Lecture, University of Lisbon, June 02nd to June 04th, 2004] more
Schmitt, Hermann (2004): Presentation of Stimulus Paper. [Planning Committee and Public Conference on the Third Wave of the 'Comparative Study of Electoral Studies', Mexico City, March 31st to April 05th, 2004] more
Seidendorf, Stefan (2004): Defining Europe against its Past: France, Germany and the Sanctions against Austria. [ECPR Standing Group on European Studies, 2nd Pan-European Conference: Implications of a wider Europe, Workshop on "Theorizing European Integration", Bologna, June 24th to June 26th, 2004] more
Seidendorf, Stefan (2004): Defining Europe against its Past - France, Germany and the Sanctions against Austria. [Workshop der Projektgruppe "The shadows of the Past over the constitutionalization of Europe" (Prof. Joerges), Florenz, July 02nd to July 03rd, 2004] more
Seidendorf, Stefan (2004): Social and political implications of cultural history and cultural memory - points to debate. [Gemeinsame Tagung des PhD-Programms "European Studies" der Universität Yale und des Nachwuchsprojekts bei der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften "Europa und das historische Imaginäre. Konstruktion von Vergangenheit als Raum des Politischen", Konstanz, June 01st to June 03rd, 2004] more
