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928 results

Ariaans, Mareike (2017): Professionalisierung und Deprofessionalisierung in der Altenpflege in Deutschland und den Niederlanden - Das Beispiel Pflege durch Migranten. [5. Rhein-Ruhr Promovendensymposium "Arbeit und Soziale Sicherheit", Universität Duisburg-Essen, March 09th to March 10th, 2017] more
Baumann, Markus, Hanna Bäck and Johan Bo Davidsson (2017): In line with the party? The role of intra-party politics, personal characteristics, and gender in Swedish cabinet appointments. [7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan, June 22nd to June 24th, 2017] more
Baumann, Markus, Marc Debus and Martin Gross (2017): Economic hardship and the policy emphases of political parties in the last weeks of an election campaign: Evidence from nine European countries. [75th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 06th to April 09th, 2017] more
Baumann, Markus, Marc Debus and Martin Gross (2017): Strength of weakness? Intra-Party Heterogeneity and Coalition Negotiations. [113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, August 31st to September 03rd, 2017] more
Becker, Birgit, and Oliver Klein (2017): The role of early childhood skills for the explanation of ethnic educational inequality at the transition to secondary education. [ECSR 2017 Conference "Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics", Bocconi University, Milano, August 31st to September 02nd, 2017] more
Bender, Benedikt (2017): Labour market flexibilization and the position of organised interests. [8th ECPR Summer School on Interest Group Politics and Policy-Making in the 21st Century, University of Bremen, June 29th to July 07th, 2017] more
Bender, Benedikt (2017): Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) & New Database. [Projektworkshop "Krisenkorporatismus oder Korporatismus in der Krise? Soziale Konzertierung und Soziale Pakte in Europa", MZES, Mannheim, November 06th to November 07th, 2017] more
Bernauer, Julian (2017): A Fourth Wave of Populism? Trajectories of Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe, 2000-2017. [11th ECPR General Conference, University of Oslo, September 06th to September 09th, 2017] more
Braun, Daniela, Sebastian Adrian Popa and Hermann Schmitt (2017): Responding to the crisis: Eurosceptic parties of the left and right and their changing position towards the European Union. [113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, August 31st to September 03rd, 2017] more
Braun, Daniela, Sebastian Adrian Popa and Hermann Schmitt (2017): Responding to the crisis: Eurosceptic parties of the left and right and their changing position towards the European Union. [Conference "Rejected Europe. Beloved Europe. Cleavage Europe?", Florence, May 18th to May 19th, 2017] more
