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4695 results

Bahle, Thomas, Franz Kraus, Franz Rothenbacher and Kirsten Scheiwe (1992): Family Change and Family Policy. A bibliography of studies and data sources. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I, Bibliographie; 1] more
Bruckner, Elke, and Karin Knaup (1990): The impact of network composition on the ascribed responsibility of network members. Pp. 159-175 in: Jeroen Weesie, Henk Flap (Eds.) Social networks through time. Utrecht: Isor. more
Schmid, Lisa, and Sandra Krapf (1919): Infidelity and union dissolution. [6th User Conference of the German Family Panel pairfam, Cologne, May 16th to May 17th, 2019] more
Hoogeveen, Suzanne, Jana Berkessel, Tobias Ebert, Susanne Frick, Moritz Ingendahl, David Izydorczyk, Ruben Laukenmann, Martin Schnuerch, Marcel Schreiner, Vera Vogel and et al. A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being. Religion, Brain & Behavior, (publ. online before print). more
Stoetzer, Lukas, Lucas Leemann and Richard Traunmüller Learning From Polls during Electoral Campaigns. Political Behavior, 46, issue 1, pp. 543–564. more
