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Kohler-Koch, Beate, and David A. Friedrich (2020): Business Interest in the EU: Integration without Supranationalism?. Journal of Common Market Studies, 58, issue 2, pp. 455-471. more
Krapf, Sandra, and Michael Wagner (2020): Housing affordability, housing tenure status and household density – Are housing characteristics associated with union dissolution?. European Journal of Population, 36, issue 4, pp. 735–764. more
Kreuter, Frauke, Georg-Christoph Haas, Florian Keusch, Sebastian Bähr and Mark Trappmann (2020): Collecting Survey and Smartphone Sensor Data With an App: Opportunities and Challenges Around Privacy and Informed Consent. Social Science Computer Review, 38, issue 5, pp. 533-549. more
Kreuter, Frauke, Neta Barkay, Alyssa Bilinski, Adrianne Bradford, Samantha Chiu, Roee Eliat, Junchuan Fan, Tal Galili, Daniel Haimovich, Brian Kim, Sarah LaRocca, Yao Li, Katherine Morris, Stanley Presser, Tal Sarig, Joshua Salomon, Kathleen Stewart, Elizabeth A. Stuart and Ryan Tibshirani (2020): Partnering with facebook on a university-based rapid turn-around global survey. Survey Research Methods, 14, issue 2, pp. 159-163. more
Kuhnt, Anne-Kristin, and Sandra Krapf (2020): Partnership living arrangements of immigrants and natives in Germany. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, (article no. 538977), pp. 1-8 (e-only). more
Kunz, Tanja, Camille Landesvatter and Tobias Gummer (2020): Informed consent for paradata use in web surveys. International Journal of Market Research, 62, issue 4, pp. 396-408. more
König, Thomas, Guido Ropers and Anika Buchmann (2020): Comparative politics and causal evaluation of structural reforms: the case of the UK national minimum wage introduction. Political Science Research and Methods, 8, issue 2, pp. 301-314. more
Lehrer, Roni, and Nick Lin (2020): Everything to everyone? Not when you are internally divided. Party Politics, 26, issue 6, pp. 783–794. more
Leszczensky, Lars, and Sebastian Pink (2020): Are Birds of a Feather Praying Together? Assessing Friends’ Influence on Muslim Youths’ Religiosity in Germany. Social Psychology Quarterly, 83, issue 3, pp. 251-271. more
Leszczensky, Lars, Andreas Flache and Lisa Sauter (2020): Does the share of religious ingroup members affect how important religion is to adolescents? Applying Optimal Distinctiveness Theory to four European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, issue 17, pp. 3703-3721. more
