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71 results

Dallacker, Mattea, Ralph Hertwig and Jutta Mata (2019): Quality matters: A meta-analysis on components of healthy family meals. Health Psychology, 38, issue 12, pp. 1137–1149. more
Dingemans, Ellen, and Katja Möhring (2019): A life course perspective on working after retirement: What role does the work history play?. Advances in Life Course Research, 39, issue March, pp. 23-33. more
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2019): Multipillarisation remodelled: the role of interest organizations in British and German pension reforms. Journal of European Public Policy, 26, issue 4, pp. 521-539. more
Ebert, Tobias, Friedrich Götz, Martin Obschonka, Leor Zmigrod and Peter Jason Rentfrow (2019): Regional Variation in Courage and Entrepreneurship: The Contrasting Role of Courage for the Emergence and Survival of Start‐Ups in the US. Journal of Personality, 87, issue 5, pp. 1039-1055. more
Ebert, Tobias, Thomas Brenner and Udo Brixy (2019): New Firm Survival: The Interdependence between Regional Externalities and Innovativeness. Small Business Economics, 53, issue 1, pp. 287–309. more
Felderer, Barbara, Antje Kirchner and Frauke Kreuter (2019): The effect of survey mode on data quality: Disentangling nonresponse and measurement error bias. Journal of Official Statistics, 35, issue 1, pp. 93-115. more
Fleischmann, Fenella, Lars Leszczensky and Sebastian Pink (2019): Identity Threat and Identity Multiplicity among Minority Youth: Longitudinal Relations of Perceived Discrimination with Ethnic, Religious and National Identification in Germany. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58, issue 4, pp. 971-990. more
Hahm, Hyeonho, Thomas König, Moritz Osnabrügge and Elena Frech (2019): Who Settles Disputes? Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). International Organization, 73, issue 4, pp. 881-900. more
Halfmann, Annabell, Helena Dech, Jana Riemann, Leonie Schlenker and Hartmut Wessler (2019): Moving closer to the action: How viewers’ experiences of eyewitness videos in TV news influence the trustworthiness of the reports. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96, issue 2, pp. 367–384. more
Herzing, Jessica M. E., and Annelies G. Blom (2019): The Influence of a Person’s Digital Affinity on Unit Nonresponse and Attrition in an Online Panel. Social Science Computer Review, 37, issue 3, pp. 404-424. more
