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Olson, Kristen, Jolene Smyth, Jennifer Dykema, Allyson Holbrook, Frauke Kreuter and Brady T. West (Eds.) (2020): Interviewer Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC. [Chapman and Hall/CRC Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences] more
Olson, Kristen, Jolene Smyth, Jennifer Dykema, Allyson Holbrook, Frauke Kreuter and Brady T. West (2020): The Past, Present, and Future of Research on Interviewer Effects. Pp. 22-33 in: Kristen Olson, Jolene Smyth, Jennifer Dykema, Allyson Holbrook, Frauke Kreuter, Brady T. West (Eds.) Interviewer Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. more
Pappi, Franz Urban (2020): Mehrheitswahl mit Verhältnisausgleich statt personalisierter Verhältniswahl. Ein alternativer Reformvorschlag zur Verkleinerung des Bundestags. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), 51, issue 4, pp. 829-847. more
Pink, Sebastian, David Kretschmer and Lars Leszczensky (2020): Choice Modelling in Social Networks Using Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models. Journal of Choice Modelling, 34, issue March, (article 100202). more
Plümper, Thomas, and Richard Traunmüller (2020): The Sensitivity of Sensitivity Analysis. Political Science Research & Methods, 8, issue 1, pp. 149-159. more
Pollak, Reinhard, and Walter Müller (2020): Education as an equalizing force: How declining educational inequality and educational expansion have contributed to more social fluidity in Germany. Pp. 122-149 in: Richard Breen, Walter Müller (Eds.) Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. more
Popa, Sebastian Adrian, Zoltán Fazekas, Daniela Braun and Melanie-Marita Leidecker-Sandmann (2020): Informing the Public: How Party Communication Builds Opportunity Structures. Political Communication, 37, issue 3, pp. 329-349. more
Revers, Matthias, and Richard Traunmüller (2020): Is Free Speech in Danger on University Campus? Some Preliminary Evidence from a Most Likely Case. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 72, issue 3 , pp. 471-497. more
Revilla, Melanie, and Jan Karem Höhne (2020): Comparing the participation of Millennials and older age cohorts in the Cross-National Online Survey panel and the German Internet Panel. Survey Research Methods, 14, issue 5, pp. 499-513. more
Revilla, Melanie, and Jan Karem Höhne (2020): How long do respondents think online surveys should be? New evidence from two online panels in Germany. International Journal of Market Research, 62, issue 5, pp. 538–545. more
