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63 results

Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth (2003): Knapp aber vorhersehbar: Schröders Wahlsieg. FORUM - Forschung Universität Mannheim, pp. 10-13. more
Gschwend, Thomas, Ron Johnston and Charles Pattie (2003): Split-Ticket Patterns in Mixed-Member Proportional Election Systems: Estimates and Analyses of their Spatial Variation at the German Federal Election, 1998. British Journal of Political Science, 33, pp. 109-127. more
Hamann, Silke, and Astrid Karl (2003): Die Arbeitslosen und die Solidarität. Forschung - Das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, issue 2, pp. 7-9. more
Iannelli, Cristina (2003): Young peoples's social origin, educational attainment and labour market outcomes in Europe. Statistics in focus, Population and social conditions. Statistics in focus, Population and social conditions (Theme 3). Eurostat, 6. more
Kalter, Frank (2003): Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration (Review of Daniel Levy and Yfaat Weiss, eds.). Contemporary Sociology, 32, issue 5, pp. 606-608. more
Kim, Anna (2003): Family and Social Networks. Korean Journal of Sociology, 37, issue 4, pp. 67-111. more
Knodt, Michèle, and Barbara Finke (2003): Europäisierung der Zivilgesellschaften oder Europäische Zivilgesellschaft? Ein Tagungsbericht. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 10, issue 2, pp. 387-394. more
Kogan, Irena (2003): Ex-Yugoslavs in the Austrian and Swedish Labour Markets: The Significance of the Period of Migration and the Effect of Citizenship Acquisition. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29, issue 4, pp. 595-622. more
Kogan, Irena, and Frank Schubert (2003): General indicators on transition from school to work. Statistics in focus, Population and social conditions (Theme 3). Eurostat, 4, pp. 1-7. more
Kristen, Cornelia (2003): Ethnische Unterschiede im deutschen Schulsystem. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, issue B21-22, pp. 26-32. more
