Bojanovsky Publication Awards for Eike Mark Rinke and Tobias Roth

The MZES researchers Eike Mark Rinke and Tobias Roth have been granted this year's publication awards of the Prof. Dr. Anna und Prof. Dr. Jörg Jiri Bojanovsky Foundation. The foundation supports the empirical research of young scientists in the field of social, inter-individual, or cultural processes.


Pictured: Professor Dr. Thomas Bräuninger, council member of the Foundation, and Dr. Eike Mark Rinke. Please click to see more images. Photo credits: School of Social Sciences.

Sociologist Tobias Roth, now research assistant at the Mannheim chair of sociology with emphasis on societal comparison (Professor Irena Kogan), has received the award for his article "Effects of Social Networks on Finding an Apprenticeship in the German Vocational Training System" which is an outcome of his research within MZES project A3.12 "The Role of Social Resources for the Explanation of Ethnic Educational Inequalities in the German School System".

Dr. Eike Mark Rinke, researcher within MZES project B2.19 "Mediated Contestation in Comparative Perspective" directed by Professor Hartmut Wessler, has been honored for his article "Deliberative Qualities of Generic News Frames: Assessing the Democratic Value of Strategic Game and Contestation Framing in Election Campaign Coverage" (co-authors: Hartmut Wessler, Charlotte Löb, and Carina Weimann). The article deals with factors influencing the quality of TV news coverage during the German federal election campaign in 2009. The MZES project B2.19 will continue to use this approach.

The prize money for the shared publication award is 650 Euro each. The award ceremony took place June 26, 2014 at the annual celebration of the Mannheim School of Social Sciences. At the same occasion, the Bojanovsky Dissertation Award has been granted to MZES Postdoc Fellow Dr. Martin Neugebauer (see below).