"ECSR Dissertation of the Year": Dr. Lars Leszczensky wins the European Consortium for Sociological Research's prize for best PhD thesis

MZES Fellow Dr. Lars Leszczensky has been awarded this year's prize for the best PhD thesis by the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR). Currently, more than 90 leading European research institutes and university departments are members of the Consortium.

Lars Leszczensky's dissertation titled "Tell Me Who Your Friends Are? Disentangling the Interplay of Young Immigrants’ Host Country Identification and Their Friendships with Natives" has also won this year's Lorenz-von-Stein Award for the best dissertation in the Mannheim social sciences and the Bojanovsky Foundation's award for empirical research in the field of social, inter-individual, or cultural processes.

(September 13, 2017)