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84 results

Faas, Thorsten, and Sascha Huber (2010): Experimente in der Politikwissenschaft: Vom Mauerblümchen zum Mainstream. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, pp. 721–749. more
Fischer-Hotzel, Andrea (2010): Democratic participation? The Involvement of Citizens in Policy-making at the European Commission. Journal of Contemporary European Research , 6, issue 3, pp. 335-352. more
Gebel, Michael (2010): Early career consequences of temporary employment in Germany and the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society, 24, issue 4, pp. 641-660. more
Gebel, Michael, and Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2010): Educational expansion and its heterogeneous returns for wage workers. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 130, issue 1, pp. 19-42. more
Giger, Nathalie (2010): Do voters punish the government for welfare state retrenchment? A comparative study of electoral costs associated with social policy. Comparative European Politics, 8, issue 4, pp. 415–443. more
Goetze, Stefan, and Berthold Rittberger (2010): A matter of habit? The sociological foundations of empowering the European Parliament. Comparative European Politics, 8, issue 1, pp. 37-54. more
Hönnige, Christoph, and Thomas Gschwend (2010): Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System der BRD – ein unbekanntes Wesen?. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, issue 3, pp. 507-530. more
Hörisch, Felix (2010): Kommissionen als Mittel zur Beibehaltung des Status quo? Strategisches Agenda-cutting im Rahmen der Reformdiskussion um die Unternehmensmitbestimmung in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Politikberatung, 3, issue 1, pp. 25-40. more
Hüller, Thorsten (2010): Conceptualising Democratic Associational Involvement in EU Decision Making - Contributions from Contemporary Political Theory. Acta Politica, 45, issue 3, pp. 298-319. more
Hüller, Thorsten (2010): Playground or Democratisation? New Participatory Procedures at the European Commission. Swiss Political Science Review, 16, issue 1, pp. 77-107. more
