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94 results

Haberfeld, Yitchak, Yinon Cohen, Frank Kalter and Irena Kogan (2011): Differences in earnings assimilation of immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Germany and Israel during 1994-2005: The interplay between context of reception, observed and unobserved immigrants' attributes. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 52, issue 1-2, pp. 6-24. more
Harle, Isabella, and Christian Stecker (2011): Die Initiativtätigkeit des Bundesrates im Lichte der Parteipolitisierungshypothese. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 42, issue 2, pp. 325-334. more
Hillmann, Henning, and Brandy L. Aven (2011): Fragmented Networks and entrepreneurship in Late Imperial Russia. American Journal of Sociology, 117, issue 2, pp. 484-538. more
Hillmann, Henning, and Christina Gathmann (2011): Overseas Trade and the Decline of Privateering. Journal of Economic History, 71, issue 3, pp. 730-761. more
Hofäcker, Dirk (2011): Book Review: Anthony Chiva and Jill Manthorpe (eds.)(2009). Older Workers in Europe. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 6, issue 1, pp. IX-XII. more
Hörisch, Felix (2011): Mehr Demokratie wagen – auch in der Wirtschaft. Neue Gesellschaft - Frankfurter Hefte, issue 5, pp. 42-45. more
Jacob, Marita, and Felix Weiss (2011): Class origin and young adults' re-enrollment. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 29, issue 4, pp. 415-426. more
Kalter, Frank (2011): Social capital and the dynamics of temporary labour migration from Poland to Germany. European Sociological Review, 27, issue 5, pp. 555-569. more
Kalter, Frank (2011): Transnationalismusforschung: Höchste Zeit für mehr als Worte und Koeffizienten. Kommentar zum Beitrag "Warum pendeln Migranten häufig zwischen Herkunfts- und Ankunftsregion" von Ludger Pries in Heft 1/2010 der Sozialen Welt. Soziale Welt, 62, issue 2, pp. 199-202. more
Klein, Markus (2011): Higher education and non-pecuniary returns in Germany: tracing the mechanisms behind field of study effects at the start of the career. Irish Educational Studies, 30, issue 2, pp. 253-270. more
