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Marinov, Nikolay, and Hein Goemans (2014): Coups and Democracy. British Journal of Political Science, 44, issue 4, pp. 799–825. more
Marinov, Nikolay, and Susan Hyde (2014): Information and Self-Enforcing Democracy: The Role of International Election Observation. International Organization, 68, issue 2, pp. 329-359. more
Matković, Teo, and Irena Kogan (2014): Relative worth of a bachelor degree: Patterns of labour market integration among drop-outs and graduates in sequential and integrated tertiary education systems. Acta Sociologica, 57, issue 2, pp. 101-118. more
Müller, Jochen, and Christian Stecker (2014): Zur Aussagekraft von Idealpunktschätzungen in parlamentarischen Systemen. Eine Analyse potentieller Auswahlverzerrungen. Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, 8, pp. 85-111. more
Müller, Walter (2014): Educational Inequality and Social Justice: Challenges for Career Guidance. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 14, issue 1, pp. 21-33. more
Naumann, Elias (2014): Increasing conflict in times of retrenchment? Attitudes towards healthcare provision in Europe between 1996 and 2002. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23, issue 3, pp. 276-286. more
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Thomas Bräuninger (2014): Direktkandidaten und die Wahlerfolge ihrer Partei im deutschen Zweistimmensystem: Das Beispiel der Bundestagswahl 2013 in Stuttgart. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 45, issue 4, pp. 775-795. more
Pink, Sebastian, Thomas Leopold and Henriette Engelhardt (2014): Fertility and Social Interaction at the Workplace: Does Childbearing Spread Among Colleagues?. Advances in Life Course Research, 21, pp. 113–122. more
Plischke, Thomas (2014): Fällt die Wahlentscheidung immer später? Die Entwicklung des Zeitpunkts der Wahlentscheidung bei den Bundestagswahlen 1969 bis 2009. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 55, issue 1, pp. 118-144. more
Quintelier, Ellen, and Jan W. van Deth (2014): Supporting Democracy: Political Participation and Political Attitudes. Exploring Causality Using Panel Data. Political Studies, 62 (S1), pp. 153-171. more
