Multi-Level Electoral Politics. Beyond the Second-Order Election Model.
Oxford University Press.
[Comparative Politics]
Prof. Thomas Gschwend, Ph.D.
Project director
gschwend [at] uni-mannheim.de
+49-621-181-2842Postal Address
University Mannheim, MZES
Visiting Address
University Mannheim, MZES
A5, 6
Building B
Research Interests
- Public Opinion
- Comparative Politics
- Political Psychology
- Political Methodology
B1 Conditions of Democratic Governance: Behaviour and Orientations of Citizens
B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance: Political Institutions
BI Associated Projects
RP9 B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance: Political Institutions
RP8 B1 Conditions of Democratic Governance
RP7 B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance
RP7 B3 Democratic Multi-level Governance
RP6 B1 Democracy and Citizenship
RP5 B2 Political Parties and Political Linkage
RP5 B3 The Election of Parliaments as a Coordination Problem of Parties and Voters
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategic Voting in Mixed-Electoral Systems.
SFG-Servicecenter Fachverlag.
[Statistik und Wissenschaft; 2]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Frank Schimmelfennig
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft : Probleme - Strategien - Anwendungen.
Frankfurt am Main:
[Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 11]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Frank Schimmelfennig
Research Design in Political Science: How to Practice What They Preach.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Behnke, Joachim, Thomas Gschwend, Delia Schindler and Kai-Uwe Schnapp
Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Neuere qualitative und quantitative Analyseverfahren.
Journal Articles
Engst, Benjamin G., David M. Grundmanns and Thomas Gschwend
(In Press):
How to place non-majoritarian institutions and political actors in a common policy space: Spatial modeling of court–executive interactions.
The Journal of Politics, (publ. online before print).
Lehrer, Roni, Oke Bahnsen, Klara Müller, Thomas Gschwend and Sebastian Juhl
(In Press):
Rallying around the leader in times of crises: The opposing effects of perceived threat and anxiety.
European Journal of Political Research, (publ. online before print).
Rittmann, Oliver, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Thomas Gschwend
(In Press):
How to improve the substantive interpretation of regression results when the dependent variable is logged.
Political Science Research and Methods, (publ. online before print).
Behrens, Lion, Dominic Nyhuis and Thomas Gschwend
Political ambition and opposition legislative review: Bill scrutiny as an intra-party signalling device.
European Journal of Political Research, 63, issue 1, pp. 66-88.
Arnold, Christian, Benjamin G. Engst and Thomas Gschwend
Scaling Court Decisions with Citation Networks.
Journal of Law and Courts, 11, issue 1, pp. 25-44.
Gschwend, Thomas, Oliver Rittmann and Lisa-Marie Werner
Zwischen Wahlkreisreduzierung und Bürgernähe: Zur aktuellen Reformdiskussion des Wahlrechts in Baden-Württemberg.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), 54, issue 3, pp. 611-624.
Rittmann, Oliver, Marie-Lou Sohnius and Thomas Gschwend
Candidate awareness in mixed-member electoral systems: A data-driven approach.
Electoral Studies, 86, (article no. 102700), pp. 1-13.
Behrens, Lion, Dominic Nyhuis and Thomas Gschwend
Constructive and destructive legislative review: The government-opposition divide in parliamentary oversight.
The Journal of Politics, 85, issue 1, pp. 223-239.
Gschwend, Thomas, Klara Müller, Simon Munzert, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Lukas Stoetzer
The Zweitstimme Model: A Dynamic Forecast of the 2021 German Federal Election.
PS: Political Science and Politics, 55, issue 1, pp. 85-90.
Sohnius, Marie-Lou, Thomas Gschwend and Oliver Rittmann
Welche Auswirkungen haben größere Wahlkreise auf das Politische Verhalten? Ein empirischer Beitrag zur Wahlrechtsreform.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 63, issue 4, pp. 685-701.
Bol, Damien, Thomas Gschwend, Thomas Zittel and Steffen Zittlau
The Importance of Personal Vote Intentions for the Responsiveness of Legislators: A Field Experiment.
European Journal of Political Research, 60, issue 2, pp. 455-473.
Dentler, Klara, Thomas Gschwend and David Hünlich
A swing vote from the ethnic backstage: The role of German American isolationist tradition for Trump’s 2016 victory.
Electoral Studies, 71, (article no. 102309).
Bahnsen, Oke, Thomas Gschwend and Lukas F. Stötzer
How do coalition signals shape voting behavior? Revealing the mediating role of coalition expectations.
Electoral Studies, 66, issue August 2020, (article no. 102166).
Bowler, Shaun, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
Coalition Policy Perceptions.
The Journal of Politics, 82, issue 4, pp. 1458-1473.
Crabtree, Charles, Matt Golder, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
It Is Not Only What You Say, It Is Also How You Say It: The Strategic Use of Campaign Sentiment.
The Journal of Politics, 82, issue 3, pp. 1044-1060.
Engst, Benjamin G., Thomas Gschwend and Sebastian Sternberg
Die Besetzung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. Ein Spiegelbild gesellschaftlicher Präferenzen.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 61, issue 1, pp. 39-60.
Neunhoeffer, Marcel, Thomas Gschwend, Simon Munzert and Lukas Stoetzer
Ein Ansatz zur Vorhersage der Erststimmenanteile bei Bundestagswahlen.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 61, issue 1, pp. 111-113.
Rheault, Ludovic, André Blais, John H. Aldrich and Thomas Gschwend
Understanding people's choice when they have two votes.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 30, issue 4, pp. 466-483.
Lehrer, Roni, Sebastian Juhl and Thomas Gschwend
The Wisdom of Crowds Design for Sensitive Survey Questions.
Electoral Studies, 57, pp. 99-109.
Stötzer, Lukas F., Marcel Neunhoeffer, Thomas Gschwend, Simon Munzert and Sebastian Sternberg
Forecasting Elections in Multiparty Systems: A Bayesian Approach Combining Polls and Fundamentals.
Political Analysis, 27, issue 2, pp. 255-262.
Gschwend, Thomas, Sebastian Juhl and Roni Lehrer
Die "Sonntagsfrage", soziale Erwünschtheit und die AfD: Wie alternative Messmethoden der Politikwissenschaft weiterhelfen können.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 59, issue 3, pp. 493-519.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Who brings home the pork? Parties and the role of localness in committee assignments in mixed-member proportional systems.
Party Politics, 24, issue 5, pp. 488-500.
Engst, Benjamin G., Thomas Gschwend, Nils Schaks, Sebastian Sternberg and Caroline Wittig
Zum Einfluss der Parteinähe auf das Abstimmungsverhalten der Bundesverfassungsrichter - eine quantitative Untersuchung.
JuristenZeitung, 72, issue 17, pp. 816-826.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth
Machtwechsel in Sicht? Die Vorhersage des Kanzlermodells für die Bundestagswahl 2017.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 58, issue 3, pp. 392-406.
Gschwend, Thomas, Michael F. Meffert and Lukas F. Stötzer
Weighting Parties and Coalitions: How Coalition Signals Influence Voting Behavior.
The Journal of Politics, 79, issue 2, pp. 642-655.
Munzert, Simon, Lukas F. Stötzer, Thomas Gschwend, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Sebastian Sternberg
Zweitstimme.org. Ein strukturell-dynamisches Vorhersagemodell für Bundestagswahlen.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 58, issue 3, pp. 418-441.
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
Chancellor Model Predicts a Change of the Guards.
PS: Political Science & Politics, 50, issue 3, pp. 686-688.
Gschwend, Thomas, Lukas F. Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
What drives rental votes? How coalitions signals facilitate strategic coalition voting.
Electoral Studies , 44, issue December, pp. 293-306.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Do constituency candidates matter in German Federal Elections? The personal vote as an interactive process.
Electoral Studies, 39, issue September, pp. 338-349.
Sternberg, Sebastian, Thomas Gschwend, Caroline Wittig and Benjamin G. Engst
Zum Einfluss der öffentlichen Meinung auf Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: Eine Analyse von abstrakten Normenkontrollen sowie Bund-Länder-Streitigkeiten 1974 – 2010.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 56, issue 4, pp. 570-598.
Stötzer, Lukas F., Steffen Zittlau, Thomas Gschwend and Tobias Witt
Leihstimmen im Bundestagswahljahr 2013.
Journal of Political Psychology, 4, issue 1, pp. 88-107.
Lo, James, Sven-Oliver Proksch and Thomas Gschwend
A Common Left-Right Scale for Voters and Parties in Europe.
Political Analysis, 22, issue 2, pp. 205-223.
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
Chancellor Model Picks Merkel in 2013 German Election.
Political Science & Politics, 46, issue 3, pp. 481-482.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Polls, Coalition Signals, and Strategic Voting: An Experimental Investigation of Perceptions and Effect.
European Journal of Political Research, 50, issue 5, pp. 636-667.
Meffert, Michael F., Sascha Huber, Thomas Gschwend and Franz Urban Pappi
More than wishful thinking: Causes and consequences of voters electoral expectations about parties and coalitions.
Electoral Studies, 30, issue 4, pp. 804-815.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Polls, coalition signals and strategic voting: An experimental investigation of perceptions and effects.
European Journal of Political Research, 50, issue 5, pp. 636-667.
Bräuninger, Thomas, Thomas Gschwend and Susumu Shikano
Sachpolitik oder Parteipolitik? Eine Bestimmung des Parteidrucks im Bundesrat mittles bayesianischer Methoden.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, issue 2, pp. 223-249.
Hönnige, Christoph, and Thomas Gschwend
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System der BRD – ein unbekanntes Wesen?.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, issue 3, pp. 507-530.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Strategic Coalition Voting: Evidence from Austria.
Electoral Studies, 29, issue 3, pp. 339-349.
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
The Chancellor Model: Forecasting German Elections.
International Journal of Forecasting, 26, issue 1, pp. 42-53.
Elff, Martin, Thomas Gschwend and Johnston Ron
Ignoramus, Ignorabimus? On Uncertainty in Ecological Inference.
Political Analysis, 16, issue 1, pp. 70-92.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Marc Hooghe
Should I Stay or Should I Go? An Experimental Study on Voter Responses to Pre-Electoral Coalitions.
European Journal of Political Research, 47, issue 5, pp. 556-577.
Zittel, Thomas, and Thomas Gschwend
Individualised Constituency Campaigns in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: Candidates in the 2005 German Elections.
West European Politics, 31, issue 5, pp. 879-1003.
Gschwend, Thomas
Berliner Abgeordnetenhauswahlen 1979 bis 2001: keine Testwahlen für die Bundesebene.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen , 38, issue 3, pp. 531-540.
Gschwend, Thomas
Institutional Incentives for Strategic Voting and Party System Change in Portugal.
Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 6, issue 1, pp. 15-31.
Gschwend, Thomas
Ticket-splitting and strategic voting under mixed electoral rules: Evidence from Germany.
European Journal of Political Research, 46, issue 1, pp. 1-23.
Lavine, Howard, and Thomas Gschwend
Issues, Parties and Character: The Moderating Role of Ideological Thinking on Candidate Evaluation.
British Journal of Political Science, 37, issue 1, pp. 139-163.
Zittel, Thomas, and Thomas Gschwend
Individualisierte Wahlkämpfe im Wahlkreis. Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Bundestagswahlkampfes von 2005.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 48, issue 2, pp. 293-321.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Henk van der Kolk
Split Ticket Voting in Mixed Member Proportional Systems: The Hypothetical Case of The Netherlands.
Acta Politica, 41, issue 2, pp. 163-179.
Wüst, Andreas M., Hermann Schmitt, Thomas Gschwend and Thomas Zittel
Candidates in the 2005 Bundestag Election: Mode of Candidacy, Campaigning and Issues.
German Politics, 15, issue 4, pp. 420-438.
Broscheid, Andreas, and Thomas Gschwend
Zur statistischen Analyse von Vollerhebungen.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 46, issue 1, pp. O-16 – O-26.
Gschwend, Thomas
Analyzing Quota Sample Data and the Peer-Review Process.
French Politics, 3, issue 1, pp. 88-91.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Dirk Leuffen
Divided We Stand - Unified We Govern? Cohabitation and Regime Voting in the 2002 French Elections.
British Journal of Political Science, 35, pp. 691-712.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth
Prognosemodell auf dem Prüfstand: Die Bundestagswahl 2005.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 46, issue 4, pp. 682-688.
Gschwend, Thomas
Iterative EI-Schätzungen und das interne Konsistenzproblem.
Wirtschaft und Statistik, issue 3, pp. 262-267.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth
Knapp aber vorhersehbar: Schröders Wahlsieg.
FORUM - Forschung Universität Mannheim, pp. 10-13.
Gschwend, Thomas, Ron Johnston and Charles Pattie
Split-Ticket Patterns in Mixed-Member Proportional Election Systems: Estimates and Analyses of their Spatial Variation at the German Federal Election, 1998.
British Journal of Political Science, 33, pp. 109-127.
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
Against all Odds?: The Red-Green Victory.
German Politics and Society, issue 21, pp. 15-34.
Book Chapters
Engst, Benjamin G., and Thomas Gschwend
Observational Databases.
Pp. 247-264 in:
Lee Epstein, Gunnar Grendstad, Urška Šadl
The Oxford handbook of comparative judicial behaviour.
Oxford University Press.
Nyhuis, Dominic, Tobias Ringwald, Oliver Rittmann, Thomas Gschwend and Rainer Stiefelhagen
Automated video analysis for social science research.
Pp. 386-398 in:
Uwe Engel, Anabel Quan-Haase, Sunny Liu, Lars E. Lyberg
Handbook of computational social science, vol. 2: Data science, statistical modeling, and machine learning methods.
New York:
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting.
Pp. 339-366 in:
Kai Arzheimer, Jocelyn Evans, Michael S. Lewis-Beck
The SAGE Handbook of Electoral Behaviour.
Bytzek, Evelyn, Thomas Gschwend, Sascha Huber, Eric Linhart and Michael F. Meffert
Koalitionssignale und ihre Wirkungen auf Wahlentscheidungen.
Pp. 393-418 in:
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck
Wählen in Deutschland.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Machen Wahlkreiskandidaten einen Unterschied? Die Persönlichkeitswahl als interaktiver Prozess.
Pp. 371-392 in:
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck
Wählen in Deutschland.
Nomos Verlag.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Machen Wahlkreiskandidaten einen Unterschied? Die Persönlichkeitswahl als interaktiver Prozess.
Pp. 371-392 in:
Wählen in Deutschland.
Hooghe, Marc, Sofie Marien and Thomas Gschwend
Gathering Counter-Factual Evidence: An Experimental Study on Voters’ Responses to Pre-Electoral Coalitions.
Pp. 413-440 in:
Bernhard Kittel, Wolfgang J. Luhan, Rebecca B. Morton
Experimental Political Science: Principles and Practices.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Experimental Triangulation of Coalition Signals: Varying Designs, Converging Results.
Pp. 249-283 in:
Bernhard Kittel, Wolfgang J. Luhan, Rebecca B. Morton
Experimental Political Science: Principles and Practices.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Blais, André, and Thomas Gschwend
Strategic Defection across Elections, Parties, and Voters.
Pp. 176-196 in:
Christopher Anderson, Russell Dalton
Citizens, Context, and Choice: How the Political Context Shapes Electoral Behavior.
Oxford University Press.
Gschwend, Thomas
District Magnitude and the Comparative Study of Strategic Voting.
Pp. 289-307 in:
Hans-Dieter Klingemann
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems.
Oxford University Press.
Huber, Sascha, Thomas Gschwend, Michael F. Meffert and Franz Urban Pappi
Erwartungsbildung über den Wahlausgang und ihr Einfluss auf die Wahlentscheidung.
Pp. 561-584 in:
Oscar W. Gabriel, Bernhard Weßels, Jürgen W. Falter
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2005.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Strategisches Wählen in Mehrparteiensystemen: ein Gruppenexperiment.
Pp. 107-132 in:
Eric Linhart, Susumu Shikano
Parteienwettbewerb, Wählerverhalten und Koalitionsbildung. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Franz Urban Pappi.
Gschwend, Thomas
Abgeordnetenhauswahlen sind keine Bundestagswahlen. Oder doch? Erfahrungsbericht aus Berlin.
Pp. 93-120 in:
Kerstin Völkl, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Everhard Holtmann, Oscar W. Gabriel
Wähler und Landtagswahlen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Gschwend, Thomas
Studying Contamination Effects in Multi-Level Systems of Governance: First Thoughts about Hypotheses and Research Design.
Pp. 229-240 in:
Hermann Schmitt
The Multilevel Electoral System of the EU.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Frank Schimmelfennig
Conclusion: Lessons for the Dialogue between Theory and Data.
Pp. 216-225 in:
Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig
Research Design in Political Science. How to Practice What They Preach.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Frank Schimmelfennig
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft: Ein Dialog zwischen Theorie und Daten.
Pp. 13-35 in:
Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft. Probleme - Strategien - Anwendungen.
Campus Verlag.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Frank Schimmelfennig
Introduction: Designing Research in Political Science - A Dialogue between Theory and Data.
Pp. 1-18 in:
Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig
Research Design in Political Science. How to Practice What They Preach..
Palgrave Macmillan.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Frank Schimmelfennig
Lehren für den Dialog zwischen Theorie und Daten.
Pp. 323-336 in:
Thomas Gschwend, Frank Schimmelfennig
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft. Probleme - Strategien - Anwendungen.
Campus Verlag.
Gschwend, Thomas
Ökologische Inferenz.
Pp. 227-237 in:
Joachim Behnke, Thomas Gschwend, Delia Schindler, Kai-Uwe Schnapp
Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Neuere qualitative und quantitative Analyseverfahren.
Schnapp, Kai-Uwe, Delia Schindler, Thomas Gschwend and Joachim Behnke
Qualitative und Quantitative Zugänge: Eine integrative Perspektive.
Pp. 11-26 in:
Joachim Behnke, Thomas Gschwend, Delia Schindler, Kai-Uwe Schnapp
Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Neuere qualitative und quantitative Analyseverfahren.
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
Mit Rot-Grün ins Schwarze getroffen: Prognosemodell besteht Feuertaufe.
Pp. 371-387 in:
Jürgen W. Falter, Oscar W. Gabriel, Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2002.
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Thomas Gschwend
Partei- und Koalitionspräferenzen der Wähler bei den Bundestagswahlen 1998 und 2002.
Pp. 284-305 in:
Jürgen W. Falter, Oscar W. Gabriel, Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler.
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Franz Urban Pappi
Stimmensplitting und Koalitionswahl [Ticket-Splitting and Coalition Voting].
Pp. 167-183 in:
Frank Brettschneider, Edeltraud Roller
Bundestagswahl 2002 [German Federal Election 2002].
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Dirk Leuffen
Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Electoral Dilemmas and Turnout in the 2002 French Legislative Elections.
Pp. 155-177 in:
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
The French Voter: Before and After the 2002 Elections.
Houndmills, Basingstoke:
Gschwend, Thomas
Statistical Control.
Pp. 1076 in:
Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, Tim Futing Liao
Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods.
Newbury Park, CA:
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
Politbarometer und Wahlprognosen: Die Kanzlerfrage..
Pp. 109-123 in:
Leske + Budrich.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth
'Wenn am nächsten Sonntag ...': Ein Prognosemodell für Bundestagswahlen.
Pp. 473-499 in:
Hans-Dieter Klingemann, Max Kaase
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 1998.
Westdeutscher Verlag.
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth
Soll und Haben: Die deutsche Wählerschaft rechnet mit den Parteien ab.
Pp. 389 - 409 in:
Markus Klein, Wolfgang Jagodzinski, Ekkehard Mochmann, Dieter Ohr
50 Jahre Empirische Wahlforschung in Deutschland. Entwicklung, Befunde, Perspektiven, Daten.
Westdeutscher Verlag.
MZES Working Papers
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
Mit Rot-Grün ins Schwarze getroffen: Prognosemodell besteht Feuertaufe.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 75]
Gschwend, Thomas
Ticket-Splitting and Strategic Voting in Mixed Electoral Systems.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 61]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Dirk Leuffen
When Voters Choose Regimes: The Issue of Cohabitation in the French Elections of 2002.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 63]
Papers / Reports
Gschwend, Thomas
Ticket-Splitting and Strategic Voting under Mixed Electoral Rules: Evidence from Germany.
[SFB 504 discussion paper]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems.
[SFB 504 discussion paper]
Johnston, Ron, Thomas Gschwend and Charles Pattie
On Estimates of Split-Ticket Voting: EI and EMax.
[SFB 504 discussion paper]
Broscheid, Andreas, and Thomas Gschwend
Augäpfel, Murmeltiere und Bayes: Zur Auswertung stochastischer Daten aus Vollerhebungen.
[MPIfG Working Paper]
Web Publications
Sohnius, Marie-Lou, Benjamin G. Engst and Thomas Gschwend
Kontinuität am Bundesverfassungsgericht? Wie die Öffentlichkeit Voßkuhles und Masings Nachfolger bewertet,
RechtsEmpirie Blog, 2020 (13.05.2020)
Gschwend, Thomas, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Marie-Lou Sohnius
Prof. Dr. parl. und Dr. noparl. - Vier Buchstaben mit großem Effekt. Falscher Professorentitel macht mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Unterschied,
DVPW Blog, 2019 more
Gschwend, Thomas, Thomas König and Marcel Neunhoeffer
Wie das bayerische Wahlrecht die CSU begünstigt,
Zeit Online, 2018 more
Gschwend, Thomas, and Roni Lehrer
Die Minderheitsregierung ist besser als ihr Ruf,
Spiegel Online, 2017 more
Gschwend, Thomas, Simon Munzert, Marcel Neunhoeffer, Sebastian Sternberg and Lukas F. Stötzer
New German election forecast: Merkel’s party will win but lose seats,
The Washington Post: Monkey Cage more
Norpoth, Helmut, and Thomas Gschwend
No country for neophytes: Angela Merkel will win Germany again,
The Hill, http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/international-affairs/346406-germany-is-no-country-for-neophytes-angela-merkel more
Conference Presentations
Engst, Benjamin G., and Thomas Gschwend
Citizens' commitment to judicial independence: A discrete choice experiment in nine European countries.
[14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Köln, July 04th to July 06th, 2024]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael Meffert
Party preferences precede coalition preferences: A response time analysis.
[14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Köln, July 04th to July 06th, 2024]
Engst, Benjamin G., David M. Grundmanns and Thomas Gschwend
The power of words: Strategic judicial opinion-writing to influence politics and society.
[13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, June 22nd to June 24th, 2023]
Gschwend, Thomas, Indridi Indridason and Lukas Stoetzer
Pre-electoral coalition strategies in multiparty systems.
[13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, June 22nd to June 24th, 2023]
Engst, Benjamin, Thomas Gschwend, Christoph Hönnige and Sylvain Brouard
Who should be selected to the highest courts? Evidence from survey experiments in France, Germany and the United States.
[12th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Prague, June 23rd to June 26th, 2022]
Engst, Benjamin G., Thomas Gschwend and Christoph Hönnige
Who should be selected to the highest courts? Evidence from Survey Experiments in France, Germany and the United States.
[ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, August 22nd to August 26th, 2022]
Sohnius, Marie-Lou, Thomas Gschwend and Oliver Rittmann
Unintended Consequences of Increasing Electoral Districts? Evidence From Germany.
[Tagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Berlin, May 19th to May 20th, 2022]
Adendorf, Anna, Ines Rehbein, Oke Bahnsen, Thomas Gschwend, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Lukas F. Stötzer
Who wants to go with whom? Identifying coalition signals in newspaper articles using transfer learning.
[11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021]
Adendorf, Anna, Ines Rehbein, Oke Bahnsen, Thomas Gschwend, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Lukas F. Stötzer
Who wants to go with whom? Identifying coalition signals in newspaper articles using transfer learning.
[28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, (virtual conference), September 14th to September 16th, 2021]
Behrens, Lion, Dominic Nyhuis and Thomas Gschwend
Coalition Policymaking and Opposition Legislative Review: Collaboration, Bill Obstruction, and Issue-Ownership.
[11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021]
Engst, Benjamin G., David Grundmans and Thomas Gschwend
Give them the word, they sharpen the sword - How high courts use language to exert political and societal power.
[15th General Conference of the ECPR, (virtual conference), August 30th to September 03rd, 2021]
Engst, Benjamin, David M. Grundmanns and Thomas Gschwend
Give them the word, they sharpen the sword - How high courts use language to exert political and societal power.
[11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 24th to June 25th, 2021]
Gschwend, Thomas, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Oliver Rittmann
Simulating Quantities of Interest when the Dependent Variable is Logged.
[1. PolMeth Europe Conference, (virtual conference), March 17th to March 19th, 2021]
Engst, Benjamin G., and Thomas Gschwend
Attitudes on Judicial Independence: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Four EU Member States.
[10th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, (virtual conference), June 18th to June 20th, 2020]
Arnold, Christian, Benjamin G. Engst and Thomas Gschwend
Scaling Lower Court Decisions.
[Conference on Data Science and Law, Zurich, June 07th to June 08th, 2019]
Behrens, Lion, Dominic Nyhuis and Thomas Gschwend
Opposition strategies in legislative review: Tracing the strategic use of legislative amendments using syntax-aware automated text analysis.
[9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Belfast, June 20th to June 22nd, 2019]
Engst, Benjamin G., David M. Grundmanns and Thomas Gschwend
Judicial Positions on Political Reform. Designing common policy scores from judicial text.
[9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Belfast, June 20th to June 22nd, 2019]
Engst, Benjamin G., Thomas Gschwend, Christoph Hönnige and Caroline Wittig
The Constitutional Court Database. Conceptualizing a relational database.
[Workshop "Multi-User Databases on Judicial Decision-Making", Florence, October 10th to October 11th, 2019]
Nyhuis, Dominic, Lion Behrens, Thomas Gschwend, Tobias Ringwald, M. Saquib Sarfraz and Rainer Stiefelhagen
Beyond text as data: Automated video analysis for research on legislative politics.
[9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Belfast, June 20th to June 22nd, 2019]
Nyhuis, Dominic, Lion Behrens, Thomas Gschwend, Tobias Ringwald, M. Saquib Sarfraz and Rainer Stiefelhagen
Beyond text as data: Computer vision in political research.
[Political Annual Methodology Conference, Warwick, January 11th, 2019]
Nyhuis, Dominic, Lion Behrens, Thomas Gschwend, Tobias Ringwald, M. Saquib Sarfraz and Rainer Stiefelhagen
Individual salience attributions in the US House of Representatives: Evidence from an automated analysis of parliamentary video recordings.
[77th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 04th to April 07th, 2019]
Gschwend, Thomas, Indridi H. Indridason and Lukas F. Stötzer
Pre-Electoral Coalition Strategies in Multiparty Systems.
[8th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 21st to June 23rd, 2018]
Stötzer, Lukas F., Indridi I. Indridason and Thomas Gschwend
Pre-Electoral Coalition Strategies in Multiparty Systems.
[27. Wissenschaftliche Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main, September 25th to September 28th, 2018]
Engst, Benjamin G., Thomas Gschwend and Sebastian Sternberg
Public Support for Judicial Nominations: Evidence from a Discrete-Choice Experiment.
[7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan, June 22nd to June 24th, 2017]
Stötzer, Lukas F., Simon Munzert, Thomas Gschwend, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Sebastian Sternberg
Forecasting Elections in Multi-party Systems: A Backwards Random-walk Approach.
[11th ECPR General Conference, Oslo, September 06th to September 09th, 2017]
Stötzer, Lukas F., Simon Munzert, Thomas Gschwend, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Sebastian Sternberg
Forecasting Elections in Multi-party Systems: A Backwards Random-walk Approach.
[7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan, June 22nd to June 24th, 2017]
Stötzer, Lukas F., Simon Munzert, Thomas Gschwend, Marcel Neunhoeffer and Sebastian Sternberg
Forecasting Elections in Multi-party Systems: A Backwards Random-walk Approach.
[Invited Talk, University of Amsterdam, September 14th, 2017]
Crabtree, Charles, Matt Golder, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
Campaign Sentiment in European Manifestos.
[6th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Brussels, June 23rd to June 25th, 2016]
Gschwend, Thomas, Sebastian Sternberg and Steffen Zittlau
Are Judges Political Animals After All? Quasi-experimental Evidence from the German Federal Constitutional Court.
[6th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Brussels, June 23rd to June 25th, 2016]
Gschwend, Thomas, Sebastian Sternberg and Steffen Zittlau
Are Judges Political Animals after All? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the German Federal Constitutional Court.
[First Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Europe (CELSE), University of Amsterdam, June 21st to June 22nd, 2016]
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategic and Sincere Voting in Multi-level Systems.
[Workshop Making Electoral Democracy Work, Montreal, Kanada, June 17th to June 18th, 2016]
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategic and Sincere Voting in Multi-level Systems.
[6th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Brussels, June 23rd to June 25th, 2016]
Zittel, Thomas, and Thomas Gschwend
Who brings home the pork? Committee Assignments under Germany's Mixed System.
[44th ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Pisa, April 24th to April 28th, 2016]
Bol, Damien, Thomas Gschwend, Thomas Zittel and Steffen Zittlau
The Electoral Source of Good Government: A Field Experiment on German MPs.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
Gschwend, Thomas, Lukas F. Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
Valence Campaigning in the 2008 US Congressional Elections.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 03rd to September 06th, 2015]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Who brings home the pork? The role of electoral context and localness in assigning committee seats in the German Bundestag.
[9th ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 26th to August 29th, 2015]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Who brings home the pork? The role of electoral context and localness in assigning committee seats in the German Bundestag.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, September 03rd to September 06th, 2015]
Hönnige, Christoph, Thomas Gschwend, Benjamin G. Engst and Caroline Wittig
Constitutional Courts as Veto Players: Composition, Absorption and Decisions at the German Court.
[9th ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 26th to August 29th, 2015]
Hönnige, Christoph, Benjamin G. Engst, Caroline Wittig and Thomas Gschwend
Demand for Change: Institutional Features Empowering Judges as Policy Makers.
[73rd Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 16th to April 19th, 2015]
Indridason, Indridi H., and Thomas Gschwend
Estimating Policy Perceptions of Party Influence on Coalition Policy Perceptions.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
Bowler, Shaun, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
Coalition Policy Perceptions.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, June 19th to June 21st, 2014]
Engst, Benjamin G., Caroline Wittig, Christoph Hönnige and Thomas Gschwend
Validating own Interests through Invalidating: Judges Shaping Policy.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, June 19th to June 21st, 2014]
Golder, Matt, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
Negative Campaigning in Multicandidate Primary Elections.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinnburgh, June 19th to June 21st, 2014]
Gschwend, Thomas, Lukas F. Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
Why don't you talk about policy? Valence campaigning in the 2008 US Congressional elections.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, June 19th to June 21st, 2014]
Hönnige, Christoph, Thomas Gschwend, Caroline Wittig and Benjamin G. Engst
The German Constitutional Court - Conceptualizing an Innovative Database.
[110th APSA Annual Meeting 'Politics after the revolution', Washington D.C., August 28th to August 31st, 2014]
Hönnige, Christoph, Thomas Gschwend, Benjamin G. Engst and Caroline Wittig
The German Constitutional Court as Veto Player - Composition, Decisions and the Absorption Hypothesis.
[23nd IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Montreal, July 19th to July 25th, 2014]
Blais, André, Ludovic Rheault, John H. Aldrich and Thomas Gschwend
Understanding People's Choice When They Have Two Votes.
[Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Victoria, British Columbia, June 04th to June 06th, 2013]
Bol, Damien, Thomas Zittel and Thomas Gschwend
The impact of the Electoral Context on Personal Vote Strategies: A Field Experiment on German Legislators.
[7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po, Bordeaux, September 04th to September 07th, 2013]
Engst, Benjamin G., Caroline Wittig, Christoph Hönnige and Thomas Gschwend
Courts as Veto Players: A Game Theoretic Model.
[7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po, Bordeaux, September 04th to September 07th, 2013]
Engst, Benjamin G., Caroline Wittig, Christoph Hönnige and Thomas Gschwend
Courts as Veto Players: A Game Theoretic Model.
[41st ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Mainz, March 11th to March 16th, 2013]
Golder, Matt, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
Negative Campaigning.
[3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
Golder, Matt, Thomas Gschwend and Indridi H. Indridason
Negative Campaigning.
[Annual Meeting of the 'Making Electoral Democracy Work Project', McGill University, Montreal, May 31st to June 01st, 2013]
Gschwend, Thomas, Michael Meffert and Lukas F. Stötzer
How Coalition Signals Influence Voting Behavior.
[3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
Gschwend, Thomas, Markus Wagner, Eva Zeglovits and Sylvia Kritzinger
Sequencing Effekte: Links-Rechts-Positionierung und weitere Instrumententests in AUTNES.
[AUTNES, Vienna, November 08th to November 09th, 2012]
Gschwend, Thomas, Markus Wagner, Eva Zeglovits and Sylvia Kritzinger
Sequencing Effekte: Links-Rechts-Positionierung und weitere Survey Experimente.
[AUTNES, Vienna, October 04th to October 05th, 2012]
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategic Voting: Coalitions, Preferences and Expectations.
[AUTNES, Vienna, September 20th, 2012]
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategic Voting: Coalitions, Preferences and Expectations.
[AUTNES, Vienna, October 04th to October 05th, 2012]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Do Constituency Candidates Matter in German Federal Elections? The Personal Vote as an Interactive Process.
[1st Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Dublin, June 16th to June 18th, 2011]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Sven-Oliver Proksch
Improving the Measurement of Policy Preferences in Surveys: Bringing the Status-Quo back in.
[REPCONG-Workshop "Policy Representation Europe", Mannheim, May 28th to May 29th, 2010]
Gschwend, Thomas, Matthew S. Shugart and Thomas Zittel
Assigning Committee Seats in Mixed-Member Systems - How Important is “Localness” compared to the Mode of Election?.
[ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, September 10th to September 12th, 2009]
Gschwend, Thomas
Siegt 2009 Schwarz-Gelb? Wahlprognosen per Zauberformel.
[Vortrag, Gütersloh, September 10th, 2009]
Gschwend, Thomas
Über elektorale Folgen der Politikverflechtung in Mehrebenensystemen: Auswirkungen der bundespolitischen Großwetterlage und Landtagswahlen.
[Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen" der DVPW, Frankfurt am Main, May 07th to May 08th, 2009]
Gschwend, Thomas
Über elektorale Folgen der Politikverflechtung in Mehrebenensystemen: Auswirkungen der bundespolitschen Großwetterlage und Landtagswahlen.
[Jahrestagung des AK Wahlen und politische Einstellungen der DVPW, Frankfurt/Main, May 07th to May 08th, 2009]
Meffert, Michael F., and Thomas Gschwend
Polls, Coalition Signals, and Strategic Voting: An Experimental Investigation of Perceptions and Effects..
[8. Politicologenetmaal der Niederländisch-Flämischen Politikwissenschaftler, Berg en Dal, May 29th to May 30th, 2009]
Gschwend, Thomas
Kausale Effekte von Koalitionssignalen? Experimentelle Evidenz.
[Gastvorlesung, Universität Bern, October 17th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas
Kausale Inferenz mit Koalitionssignalen.
[Gastvorlesung, Universität Zürich, September 22nd, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas
Koalitionssignale und Wahlverhalten.
[Gastvorlesung, Universität Oldenburg, July 11th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, Michael F. Meffert, Sascha Huber and Franz Urban Pappi
More than Wishful Thinking: Causes and Consequences of Voter's Expectations about Election Outcomes.
[International Communication Association, Annual Meeting, Montréal, May 22nd to May 26th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Polls, Coalition Signals, and Strategic Voting: An Experimental Investigation of Perceptions and Effects.
[AK Wahlen, Annual Meeting, Duisburg, May 15th to May 16th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Presentation of Country Database Issues: Germany.
[Workshop on “Electoral Systems and Party Personnel, Del Mar, CA, August 25th to August 27th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Coalition Voting: Evidence from Austria.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, Mass., August 28th to August 31st, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation and Coalition governments: A Laboratory Experiment.
[International Society for Political Psychology, Annual Meeting, Paris, July 09th to July 12th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategisches Wählerverhalten und Wahlsystem.
[Gastvorlesung, Universität Bamberg, November 28th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategisches Wahlverhalten in Mehrparteiensystemen: Ein Gruppenexperiment.
[AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, DVPW, Annual Meeting, Mainz, June 27th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas
Vorhersagen müssen keine Hexerei sein.
[Gastvorlesung Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, June 13th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Voting for Coalitions? The Role of Coalition Preferences.
[Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 03rd to April 06th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas
X-zentriert statt x-beliebig: Zur Bedeutung von Randomisierung für Kausalanalysen der Politik- und Verwaltungsforschung.
[Gastvorlesung, Universität Konstanz, November 14th, 2008]
Gschwend, Thomas
Contamination effects in multi-level systems of governance.
[The Multi–Level Electoral System of the EU, CONNEX-Conference (RG3), Villa La Collina, Cadenabbia, March 19th to March 22nd, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas
Goldoni Goes Comparative: Institutional Incentives and Vote Choice.
[Vortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens für einen Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft (professeur ordinaire) an der Université de Genève, Genf, March 08th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Thomas Zittel
Individualisierte Wahlkämpfe im Wahlkreis: Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Bundestagswahlkampfes von 2005.
[Wahlen und Repräsentation im politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Köln, March 26th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation & Coalition Governments: A Simulation and Laboratory Experiment.
[Forschungskolloquium, Lambrecht/Pfalz, July 20th to July 21st, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation and Coalition Governments: A Case for Experimental Triangulation.
[International Conference on Experimental Methods in Political Science, Brüssel, December 14th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas
Vorhersagen müssen keine Hexerei sein: Ein sozialwissenschaftliches Prognosemodell für Bundestagswahlen.
[Seminar, Universität Darmstadt, June 15th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Marc Hooghe
Voter Responses to Pre-Electoral Coalitions in Belgium. Results from an Experimental Study.
[International Conference on Experimental Methods in Political Science, Brüssel, December 14th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Michael F. Meffert
Voting for Coalitions? The Role of Coalition Preferences and Expectations in Voting Behavior.
[Voters, Coalitions, and Democratic Accountability, Workshop, Exeter, October 05th to October 06th, 2007]
Gschwend, Thomas
Wahlprognosen sind keine Hexerei - Vorhersagemodelle zum Mimachen.
[Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Mannheim, November 10th, 2007]
Wüst, Andreas M., and Thomas Gschwend
Die Bedeutung von Umfragen im Wahlkampf.
[Moderne Politikvermittlung - Neue Wahlkampfformen in der Demokratie, Berlin, May 04th, 2007]
Wüst, Andreas M., and Thomas Gschwend
Survey Research and Campaigns.
[3rd International Summer Academy 'Political Consulting and Strategic Campaign Communication', Bruchsal, September 27th, 2007]
Elff, Martin, and Thomas Gschwend
How Much Can Be Inferred From Almost Nothing? A Maximum Entropy Approach to Fundamental Indeterminacy in Ecological Inference With an Application to District-Level Prediction of Split-Ticket Voting.
[Second international R user conference useR!, Vienna, June 15th to June 17th, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
"Abgeordnetenhauswahlen sind keine Bundestagswahlen. Oder doch? Erfahrungsbericht aus Berlin.".
[Einfluss der Bundespolitik auf Landtagswahlen, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, November 09th to November 10th, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
Are Modern Politics still Party Politics?.
[Inaugural Conference of the Comparative Candidates Study (CCS), Bad Dürkheim, October 06th to October 08th, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems.
[Annual Meeting of the Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association, Nottingham, September 08th to September 10th, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems.
[Contextual Effects in Electoral Research, Florenz, November 30th to December 01st, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
District Magnitude and the Comparative Study of Strategic Voting.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August 31st to September 03rd, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Henk van der Kolk
Forecasting the Number of Split-Ticket Voters in Parliamentary Systems.
[Conference of the Center for American Political Studies, Harvard University, on “Democracy, Divided Government, and Split-Ticket Voting”, Harvard, May 26th to May 27th, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas, Patric Andersson, Michael F. Meffert and Carsten Schmidt
Forecasting the Outcome of a National Election: The Influence of Expertise, Information, and Political Preferences.
[Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Dresden, June 19th to June 23rd, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
Identifiability of Coalitions, District Magnitude and Strategic Voting.
[Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 20th to April 23rd, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas
Pre-electoral Identifiability of potential Governments: Measurement and Consequences.
[Political and Social Sciences Research Forum, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, February 22nd, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas, Martin Elff and Ron Johnston
What Can We Learn From Almost Nothing? An Extended Maximum Entropy Approach to Uncertainty in RxC Ecological Inference, with an Application to Split-Ticket Voting.
[Conference of the Center for American Political Studies, Harvard University, on “Democracy, Divided Government, and Split-Ticket Voting, Harvard, May 26th to May 27th, 2006]
Wüst, Andreas M., and Thomas Gschwend
Survey Research and Campaigns.
[2nd International Summer Academy on Political Consulting and Strategic Campaign Communication, Mannheim, July 26th, 2006]
Zittel, Thomas, and Thomas Gschwend
Der Bundestagswahlkampf von 2005 und Kollektive Repräsentation: Ein kurzer Auftakt zum langen Abschied.
[Gemeinsame Tagung der DVPW-Arbeitskreise "Politik und Kommunikation", "Wahlen und Einstellungen" und "Parteienforschung", Berlin, July 19th to July 20th, 2006]
Zittel, Thomas, and Thomas Gschwend
Personalisierte Wahlkämpfe im Wahlkreis. Eine Analyse des Bundestagswahlkampfes von 2005.
[3-Länder-Tagung "Politik und Persönlichkeit" der ÖGPW - SVPW - DVPW, Vienna, November 30th to December 02nd, 2006]
Gschwend, Thomas, Galen Irwin and Joop van Holsteyn
Clarity of pre-election coalitions and strategic voting in PR systems: The case of the Netherlands.
[Annual Politicologenetmaal, the 4th Dutch-Belgium Political Science Conference, Antwerp, May 18th to May 19th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems.
[Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 07th to April 10th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 31st to September 04th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Electoral Studies - Editorial Board Meeting.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washigton, DC, August 31st to September 04th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Martin Elff
EMax - Die Ergänzung der ökologischen Inferenz durch Survey-Daten.
[Frühjahrstagung der Ad-Hoc-Gruppe 'Empirische Methoden der Politikwissenschaft' der DVPW, Hagen, May 20th to May 21st, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Institutional Incentives for Strategic Voting: The Case of Portugal.
[Portuguese Electoral Behavior: Comparative and Longitudinal Approaches, Lisbon, January 27th to January 28th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Institutional Incentives for Strategic Voting: The Case of Portugal.
[Electoral Behaviour and Political Attitudes: Portugal in the European Context Project, Lisbon, January 27th to January 28th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Ökologische Inferenz.
[Autorenkonferenz 'Methoden der Politikwissenschaft', Mannheim, February 18th to February 19th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Marc Hooghe
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Voter Reactions to Pre-Electoral Coalitions. Results from an Experimental Study in Belgium.
[Annual Politicologenetmaal, the 4th Dutch-Belgium Political Science Conference, Antwerp, May 18th to May 19th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Henk van der Kolk
Split ticket voting in Mixed Member Proportional Systems: The case of The Netherlands.
[Expert Meeting 'Changing the Electoral System. The Case of the Netherlands', Amsterdam, September 14th to September 15th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Strategic Voting in Belgium.
[Annual Politicologenetmaal, the 4th Dutch-Belgium Political Science Conference, Antwerp, May 19th to May 20th, 2005]
Gschwend, Thomas
Electoral Institutions and Electoral Behavior: Results of a Natural Experiment..
[Gastvortrag, University of Leiden, May 12th to May 13th, 2004]
Gschwend, Thomas
MIT ROT-GRÜN INS SCHWARZE GETROFFEN: Ein sozialwissenschaftliche Prognosemodell für Bundestagswahlen.
[Studium Generale, Vortragsreihe 'Forum junge Wissenschaft', Mannheim, May 05th, 2004]
Gschwend, Thomas
Political institutions: The impact of constitutions and election laws on the formation of political parties and party systems in the accession countries of the European Union..
[Gastvorlesung, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, Sciences Po, Dijon Campus, April 06th to April 07th, 2004]
Gschwend, Thomas, Michael Stoiber and Mareen Günther
Strategic Voting in Proportional Systems: The Case of Finland.
[Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 15th to April 18th, 2004]
Gschwend, Thomas
Wählen und Wahlsystem: Ergebnisse eines natürlichen Experiments des deutschen Mischwahlsystems.
[Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahren zur Besetzung des Lehrstuhls "Methoden der Politikwissenschaft", Universität Zürich, February 04th, 2004]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: A Hierarchy of Electoral Systems.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA., August 28th to September 02nd, 2003]
Gschwend, Thomas
Comparative Politics of Strategic Voting: An Empirical Test of the Leys-Sartori Conjecture.
[Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 03rd to April 06th, 2003]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Helmut Norpoth
If the election were next Sunday...: A Forecast of the 2002 Bundestag Election.
[Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, August 29th to September 01st, 2002]
Gschwend, Thomas, and Chad King
The Politics of Opinion Assignment: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach.
[Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 25th to April 28th, 2002]
Lavine, Howard, and Thomas Gschwend
Ideology and Rationality: Issue Constraint in Political Decision-Making.
[Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Berlin, July 16th to July 20th, 2002]
Gschwend, Thomas
Ticket-Splitting and Strategic Voting in Mixed Electoral Systems.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, August 29th to September 01st, 2001]
King, Chad, and Thomas Gschwend
Assigning the Majority Opinion: A Replication and Extension.
[Annual Political Science Methodology Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 20th to July 21st, 2001]