Other news items
Study by Benedikt Bender: trade unions and employers' associations in Poland
MZES sociologist Benedikt Bender has currently analysed organisation, membership and political participation of trade unions and employers' associations in Poland for the German Poland Institute an » more
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Professor Marc Debus speaker at the Mannheim Urban Thinkers Campus
How should Mannheim 2030 look? This key question will be addressed as part of a large citizen participation process in 2018, which will result in the creation of a shared vision for Mannheim. » more
Dr. Jörg Dollmann wins ESR best article prize
Dr. » more
Wie gut waren die Prognosen von zweitstimme.org? Die Evaluation nach der Wahl
"Gute Prognosen erkennt man immer erst hinterher. Mit der Verkündung des vorläufigen amtlichen Endergebnisses können wir nun endlich bewerten, wie gut und präzise unsere Prognosen waren. » more
"ECSR Dissertation of the Year": Dr. Lars Leszczensky wins the European Consortium for Sociological Research's prize for best PhD thesis
MZES Fellow Dr. Lars Leszczensky has been awarded this year's prize for the best PhD thesis by the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR). » more
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Campus TV (in German): Professor Thomas Gschwend and Dr. Sebastian Popa explain why Angela Merkel will most likely win the election and how Twitter trolls are hurting democracy
Two MZES research topics in the current episode of Campus TV: Dr. » more
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Professor Thomas Gschwend and Professor Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck presenting at the University of Mannheim’s "Schlossfest", September 9
This year’s "Schlossfest" at the University of Mannheim on September 9 will again offer a rich scientific programme, including contributions by Professor Thomas Gschwend and Professor Rüdiger Schmi » more
Outstanding thesis on young immigrants’ host country identification: Dr. Lars Leszczensky receives Bojanovsky Research Award
MZES Postdoc Fellow Dr. Lars Leszczensky has been granted this year's research award of the Prof. Dr. Anna und Prof. Dr. Jörg Jiri Bojanovsky Foundation. » more
Kick-off for the formation of a German centre for integration and migration research
"(…) Der Deutsche Bundestag hat 2016 beschlossen, durch die Bereitstellung von Mitteln das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) mit dem Aufbau eines Deutschen Zentrum » more
Dr. Eike Mark Rinke wins prestigious ICA „Outstanding Dissertation in Political Communication Award“
Dr. » more