Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung: Die Bundestagswahl 2017.
1st ed.,
[Wahlen in Deutschland; 3]
Prof. Dr. Harald Schoen
Project Director
harald.schoen [at] uni-mannheim.de
+49-621-181-2842Postal Address
University Mannheim
Visiting Address
University Mannheim
A5, 6
Building A
B1 Conditions of Democratic Governance: Behaviour and Orientations of Citizens
B3 Democratic Multilevel Governance and Europeanization
RP9 B1 Conditions of Democratic Governance: Behaviour and Orientations of Citizens
Schoen, Harald, Hans Rattinger, Maria Preißinger, Konstantin Gavras and Markus Steinbrecher
Election Campaigns and Voter Decision-Making in a Multi-Party System: The 2009 and 2013 German Federal Elections.
[Studien zur Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung; 33]
Rattinger, Hans, Harald Schoen, Fabian Endres, Sebastian Jungkunz, Matthias Mader and Jana Pötzschke
Old Friends in Troubled Waters: Policy Principles, Elites, and U.S.-German Relations at the Citizen Level After the Cold War.
[Studien zur Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung; 30]
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
The Changing German Voter.
Oxford University Press.
Weßels, Bernhard, and Harald Schoen
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017.
Springer VS.
Schoen, Harald, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
Voters and Voting in Context: Multiple Contexts and the Heterogeneous German Electorate.
Oxford University Press.
Schoen, Harald, and Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013.
Springer VS.
Biehl, Heiko, and Harald Schoen
Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte im Urteil der Bürger: Theorien, Methoden, Befunde.
Springer VS.
[Schriftenreihe des Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts der Bundeswehr; 15]
Journal Articles
Isernia, Pierangelo, Matthias Mader, Sergio Martini, Bogdan Radu and Harald Schoen
(In Press):
Populist attitudes and foreign policy postures: a comparative analysis of four European countries.
European Political Science Review, (publ. online before print).
Isermann, Lukas, Lea Gärtner and Harald Schoen
Committed Democrats? How Trade-off Specific Cues Affect Expressions of Support for Liberal and Democratic Principles.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 65, issue 3, pp. 553-568.
Mader, Matthias, Moritz Neubert, Felix Münchow, Stephanie Hofmann, Harald Schoen and Konstantin Gavras
Crumbling in the face of cost? How cost considerations affect public support for European security and defence cooperation.
European Union Politics, 25, issue 3, pp. 483-503.
Mader, Matthias, Konstantin Gavras, Stephanie Hofmann, Jason Reifler, Harald Schoen and Catarina Thomson
International threats and support for European security and defence integration: Evidence from 25 countries.
European Journal of Political Research, 63, issue 2, pp. 433-454.
Steiner, Nils D., Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Subjective losers of globalization.
European Journal of Political Research, 63, issue 1, pp. 326-347.
Bucher, Hannah, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Axel M. Burger, Thorsten Faas, Harald Schoen, Marc Debus, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Denis Cohen, Robert Huber, Michael Jankowski, Melvin John, Jan Menzner, Christian Schimpf, Christian Schnaudt, Nils D. Steiner, Richard Traunmüller, Fabienne Unkelbach, Vera Vogel, Carsten Wegscheider, Robert Welz and Alexander Wuttke
Special Issue Conclusion: The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021 in Hindsight: Experiences Gained and Lessons Learned.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift: PVS, 64, issue 1, pp. 207–219.
Bucher, Hannah, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Axel M. Burger, Thorsten Faas, Harald Schoen, Marc Debus and Sigrid Roßteutscher
Special Issue Introduction. The GLES Open Science Challenge 2021: A Pilot Project on the Applicability of Registered Reports in Quantitative Political Science.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64, pp. 1-17.
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
No Zeitenwende (yet): Early Assessment of German Public Opinion Toward Foreign and Defense Policy After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64, issue 3, pp. 525–547.
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Stability of National-Identity Content: Level, Predictors, and Implications.
Political Psychology, 44, issue 4, pp. 871-891.
Rettig, Leonie, Lea Gärtner and Harald Schoen
Facing trade-offs: The variability of public support for climate change policies.
Environmental Science & Policy, 147, pp. 244-254.
Schimpf, Christian, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Neither a Trait nor Wildly Fluctuating: On the Stability of Populist Attitudes and its Implications for Empirical Research.
British Journal of Political Science , 54, issue 3, pp. 979-992.
Thomson, Catarina, Matthias Mader, Felix Münchow, Jason Reifler and Harald Schoen
European public opinion: united in supporting Ukraine, divided on the future of NATO.
International Affairs, 99, issue 6, pp. 2485–2500.
Wuttke, Alexander, Christian Schimpf and Harald Schoen
Populist Citizens in four European Countries: Widespread Dissatisfaction goes with Contradictory but Pro-democratic Regime Preferences.
Swiss Political Science Review, 29, issue 2, pp. 246-257.
Elshehawy, Ashrakat, Konstantin Gavras, Nikolay Marinov, Federico Nanni and Harald Schoen
Illiberal Communication and Election Intervention during the Refugee Crisis in Germany.
Perspectives on Politics, 20, issue 3, pp. 860-878.
Gavras, Konstantin, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Convergence of European security and defense preferences? A quantitative text analysis of strategy papers, 1994-2018.
European Union Politics, 23, issue 4, pp. 662 - 679.
Gavras, Konstantin, Jan Karem Höhne, Annelies G. Blom and Harald Schoen
Innovating the collection of open-ended answers: The linguistic and content characteristics of written and oral answers to political attitude questions.
Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Statistics in Society, 185, issue 3, pp. 872-890.
Mader, Matthias, Nikolay Marinov and Harald Schoen
Foreign Anti-Mainstream Propaganda and Democratic Publics.
Comparative Political Studies, 55, issue 10, pp. 1732-1764.
Wuttke, Alexander, Konstantin Gavras and Harald Schoen
Have Europeans Grown Tired of Democracy? New Evidence from 18 Consolidated Democracies, 1981-2018.
British Journal of Political Science, 52, issue 1, pp. 416-428.
Gärtner, Lea, and Harald Schoen
Experiencing climate change: revisiting the role of local weather in affecting climate change awareness and related policy preferences.
Climatic Change, 167, issue 3-4, (article no. 31/2021).
Gärtner, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Who Talks and Who Listens? How Political Involvement Influences the Potential for Democratic Deliberation in Everyday Political Talk.
Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17, issue 2, pp. 13-30.
Lindstam, Emmy, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towards Immigration.
British Journal of Political Science, 51, issue 1, pp. 93-114.
Mader, Matthias, Maria Pesthy and Harald Schoen
Conceptions of national identity, turnout and party preference: Evidence from Germany.
Nations and Nationalism, 27, issue 3, pp. 638-655.
Pesthy, Maria, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Why Is the AfD so Successful in Eastern Germany? An Analysis of the Ideational Foundations of the AfD Vote in the 2017 Federal Election.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 62, issue 1, pp. 69-91.
Gärtner, Lea, Konstantin Gavras and Harald Schoen
What tips the scales? Disentangling the mechanisms underlying post-electoral gains and losses in democratic support.
Electoral Studies, 67, issue October, (article: 102210).
Mader, Matthias, Nils D. Steiner and Harald Schoen
The globalisation divide in the public mind: belief systems on globalisation and their electoral consequences.
Journal of European Public Policy, 27, issue 10, pp. 1526-1545.
Wuttke, Alexander, Konstantin Gavras and Harald Schoen
Leader of the free world or pioneer in democracy’s decline? Examining the democratic deconsolidation hypothesis on the mass level in East and West Germany.
Research and Politics, 7, issue 1, (e-only).
Wuttke, Alexander, Christian Schimpf and Harald Schoen
When the Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts: On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Populist Attitudes and Other Multi-dimensional Constructs.
American Political Science Review, 114, issue 2, pp. 356 - 374.
Wuttke, Alexander, Christian Schimpf and Harald Schoen
When the Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts: On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Populist Attitudes and Other Multi-dimensional Constructs.
American Political Science Review, 114, issue 2, pp. 356-374.
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
The European refugee crisis, party competition, and voters’ responses in Germany.
West European Politics, 42, issue 1, pp. 67-90.
Schoen, Harald
Not a powerful electoral issue yet: On the role of European integration in the 2017 German federal election.
Journal of European Public Policy, 26, issue 5, pp. 717-733.
Steinbrecher, Markus, and Harald Schoen
Channelling attention and choice? Examining effects of consideration sets on electoral decision-making.
Electoral Studies, 57, pp. 294-301.
Wuttke, Alexander, Andreas Jungherr and Harald Schoen
More than opinion expression: Secondary effects of intraparty referendums on party members.
Party Politics, 25, issue 6, pp. 817–827.
Jungherr, Andreas, Matthias Mader, Harald Schoen and Alexander Wuttke
Context-Driven Attitude Formation: The Difference Between Supporting Free Trade in the Abstract and Supporting Specific Trade Agreements.
Review of International Political Economy, 25, issue 2, pp. 215-242.
Mader, Matthias, Thomas J. Scotto, Jason Reifler, Peter H. Gries, Pierangelo Isernia and Harald Schoen
How political are national identities? A comparison of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany in the 2010s.
Research and Politics, 5, issue 3, pp. 1-9.
Preißinger, Maria, and Harald Schoen
Entity and incremental theory of personality: Revisiting the validity of indicators.
Personality and Individual Differences, 130, pp. 21-25.
Schoen, Harald, Alexander Wuttke, Agatha Kratz and Maria Preißinger
Ein Umschwung in den letzten Wochen des Landtagswahlkampfes: Befunde einer mehrwelligen Wiederholungsbefragung zur niedersächsischen Landtagswahl 2017.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 49, issue 1, pp. 22-39.
Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen, Oliver Posegga and Pascal Jürgens
Digital Trace Data in the Study of Public Opinion: An Indicator of Attention Toward Politics Rather than Political Support.
Social Science Computer Review, 35, issue 3, pp. 336–356.
Meyer, Marco, and Harald Schoen
Avoiding vote loss by changing policy positions: The Fukushima disaster, party responses, and the German electorate.
Party Politics, 23, issue 4, pp. 424–436.
Goren, Paul, Harald Schoen, Jason Reifler, Thomas J. Scotto and William Chittick
A Unified Theory of Value-Based Reasoning and U.S. Public Opinion.
Political Behavior, 38, issue 4, pp. 977 - 997.
Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen and Pascal Jürgens
The mediation of politics through Twitter: An analysis of messages posted during the campaign for the German federal election 2013.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 21, issue 1, pp. 50-68.
Preißinger, Maria, and Harald Schoen
It's not always the campaign – Explaining inter-election switching in Germany, 2009–2013.
Electoral Studies, 44, pp. 109–119.
Endres, Fabian, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
On the Relationship Between Strategic Cultures and Support for European Defence: A Comment on Irondelle, Mérand and Foucault.
European Journal of Political Research, 54, issue 4, pp. 848–859.
Greszki, Robert, Marco Meyer and Harald Schoen
Exploring the Effects of Removing ‘Too Fast’ Responses and Respondents from Web Surveys.
Public Opinion Quarterly, 79, issue 2, pp. 471-503.
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Alles eine Frage des Blickwinkels? Framing-Effekte und Bevölkerungsurteile über einen möglichen Bundeswehreinsatz in Libyen.
Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 13, issue 1, pp. 5-34.
Pötzschke, Jana, Hans Rattinger and Harald Schoen
Persönlichkeit, Wertorientierungen und Einstellungen zu Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Politische Psychologie, 2, pp. 4-29.
Schoen, Harald, and Thorsten Faas
Selbst für den Titan zu viel! Zur Wirkung von Aufrufen Prominenter zur Beteiligung bei der Europawahl 2009,.
Zeitschrift für Politikberatung, issue 3, pp. 525–532.
Book Chapters
Cohen, Denis, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe and Stefan Jünger
Wohnungsmärkte, politische Einstellungen und Wahlverhalten bei der Bundestagswahl 2021.
Pp. 461-483 in:
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021.
Springer VS.
Schoen, Harald, and Klara Müller
Allein auf den Wahlkampf kommt es an? Eine Analyse der zeitlichen Lagerung von Wieder- und Wechselwahlentscheidungen zwischen den Bundestagswahlen 2017 und 2021.
Pp. 577–601 in:
Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021.
Springer VS.
Schoen, Harald, and Bernhard Weßels
Die Bundestagswahl 2021 – Rückblick und Ausblick.
Pp. 3-25 in:
Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2021.
Springer VS.
Kratz, Agatha, Maria Preißinger and Harald Schoen
Changing crises, changing votes? Problem priorities, party competence, and electoral behavior in Germany 2009–2017.
Pp. 209-226 in:
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christoph Wolf
The Changing German Voter.
Oxford University Press.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
A New Era of Electoral Instability.
Pp. 3-24 in:
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
The Changing German Voter.
Oxford University Press.
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
The Changing German Voter.
Pp. 313-336 in:
The Changing German Voter.
Oxford University Press.
Schoen, Harald
Ein halber Regierungswechsel nach einer politischen Achterbahnfahrt. Eine Analyse der öffentlichen Meinung zur vierten Regierung Merkel und des Wahlverhaltens bei der Bundestagswahl 2021.
Pp. 21-43 in:
Reimut Zohlnhöfer, Fabian Engler
Das Ende der Merkel-Jahre. Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2018-2021.
Springer VS.
Schoen, Harald, and Maria Pesthy
Das Verhältnis zwischen CDU und CSU, dissonante Bürgerurteile und Wahlverhalten bei der Bundestagswahl 2017.
Pp. 453-473 in:
Bernhard Weßels, Harald Schoen
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017.
Springer VS.
Weßels, Bernhard, and Harald Schoen
Die Bundestagswahl 2017 – Mehr vom Selben?.
Pp. 3-17 in:
Bernhard Weßels, Harald Schoen
Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017.
Springer VS.
Gärtner, Lea, Harald Schoen and Alexander Wuttke
Ties That No Longer Bind? Effects and Responsiveness of Party Attachments in a Period of Crises.
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
The Changing German Voter.
Oxford University Press.
Roßteutscher, Sigrid, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
Pp. 11-14 in:
Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung: Die Bundestagswahl 2017.
Roßteutscher, Sigrid, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
Fazit und Ausblick.
Pp. 375-383 in:
Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung: Die Bundestagswahl 2017.
Schoen, Harald, and Konstantin Gavras
Eher anhaltende Polarisierung als vorübergehende Verstimmung: Die Flüchtlingskrise und die Bürgerurteile über die Große Koalition zwischen 2013 und 2017.
Pp. 17-37 in:
Reimut Zohlnhöfer, Thomas Saalfeld
Zwischen Stillstand, Politikwandel und Krisenmanagement: eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2013-2017.
Springer VS.
Wuttke, Alexander, and Harald Schoen
Who were the voters behind the Schulz effect? An analysis of voter trajectories in the run-up to the 2017 German federal election.
Pp. 47-62 in:
Karl-Rudolf Korte, Jan Schoofs
Die Bundestagswahl 2017: Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung.
Jungherr, Andreas, Pascal Jürgens and Harald Schoen
Twitter-Daten in der Wahlkampfforschung: Datensammlung, Aufarbeitung und Analysebeispiele.
Pp. 255-293 in:
Andreas Blätte, Joachim Behnke, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Claudius Wagemann
Computational Social Science: Die Analyse von Big Data.
Kratz, Agatha, and Harald Schoen
Just Like Leaves in the Wind? Exploring the Effect of the Interplay of Media Coverage and Personal Characteristics on Issue Salience.
Pp. 43-70 in:
Harald Schoen, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Voters and Voting in Context: Multiple Contexts and the Heterogeneous German Electorate.
Oxford University Press.
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Ideological Voting in Context: the Case of Germany during the Merkel Era.
Pp. 209-229 in:
Harald Schoen, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Voters and Voting in Context: Multiple Contexts and the Heterogeneous German Electorate.
Oxford University Press.
Schoen, Harald, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
Pp. 249-256 in:
Harald Schoen, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Voters and Voting in Context: Multiple Contexts and the Heterogeneous German Electorate.
Oxford University Press.
Schoen, Harald, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels and Christof Wolf
Voters and Voting in Context: An Introduction.
Pp. 1-12 in:
Harald Schoen, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf
Voters and Voting in Context: Multiple Contexts and the Heterogeneous German Electorate.
Oxford University Press.
Schoen, Harald, and Bernhard Weßels
Die Bundestagswahl 2013 – eine Zäsur im Wahlverhalten und Parteiensystem?.
Pp. 3-19 in:
Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013.
Springer VS.
Schoen, Harald, and Agatha Rudnik
Wirkungen von Einstellungen zur europäischen Schulden- und Währungskrise auf das Wahlverhalten bei der Bundestagswahl 2013.
Pp. 135-160 in:
Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013.
Springer VS.
Endres, Fabian, Harald Schoen and Hans Rattinger
Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik aus Sicht der Bürger: Theoretische Perspektiven und ein Überblick über den Forschungsstand.
Pp. 39-65 in:
Heiko Biehl, Harald Schoen
Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte im Urteil der Bürger: Theorien, Methoden, Befunde.
Springer VS.
Pötzschke, Jana, Hans Rattinger and Harald Schoen
Mehr als ein Thema für Spezialisten? Der Afghanistaneinsatz der Bundeswehr und das Wahlverhalten bei der Bundestagswahl 2009.
Pp. 123-146 in:
Heiko Biehl, Harald Schoen
Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte im Urteil der Bürger. Theorien, Methoden, Befunde.
Springer VS.
Rudnik, Agatha, and Harald Schoen
Mehr als ökonomisches Kalkül? Zu den Bestimmungsfaktoren von auf die Eurokrise bezogenen Performanzbewertungen und Policy-Präferenzen.
Pp. 139-164 in:
Heiko Giebler, Aiko Wagner
Wirtschaft, Krise und Wahlverhalten.
Faas, Thorsten, and Harald Schoen
Mehrwertsteuer und Staatsverschuldung: Lassen sich die Einstellungen der Bevölkerung durch Framing verschieben?.
Pp. 123–143 in:
Thorsten Faas, Kai Arzheimer, Sigrid Roßteutscher
Information – Wahrnehmung – Emotion: Politische Psychologie in der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Faas, Thorsten, and Harald Schoen
Nur eine Frage der Zeit: Eine Analyse zweier Online-Umfragen zu den Bundestagswahlen 2002 und 2005.
Pp. 343–360 in:
Harald Schoen, Hans Rattinger, Oscar W. Gabriel
Vom Interview zur Analyse: Methodische Aspekte der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung.
Faas, Thorsten, and Harald Schoen
Fallen Gewichte ins Gewicht? Eine Analyse am Beispiel dreier Umfragen zur Bundestagswahl 2002.
Pp. 145–157 in:
Nikolaus Jackob, Harald Schoen, Thomas Zerback
Sozialforschung im Internet: Methodologie und Praxis der Online-Befragung.
Papers / Reports
Gavras, Konstantin, Thomas J. Scotto, Jason Reifler, Stephanie Hofmann, Catarina Thomson, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
NATO and CSDP: Party and Public Positioning in Germany and France.
[NDC Policy Brief; June 2020]
Schoen, Harald, and Christian Schimpf
On the psychological roots of populist voting: A discussion of Bakker, Rooduijn, and Schumacher (2016).
[Working Paper]
Jungherr, Andreas, Antonin Finkelnburg, Ralf Güldenzopf, Matthias Mader, Harald Schoen and Alexander Wuttke
Wirkung politischer Informationsbriefe in Unterstützung von TTIP.
Steinbrecher, Markus, and Harald Schoen
Heterogeneous campaign effects in the German multi-party system? An empirical test of consideration set models.
[Paper prepared for delivery at the 9th ECPR General Conference]
Conference Presentations
Gärtner, Lea, Konstantin Gavras and Harald Schoen
Up and Down With Voters’ Democratic Support: Disentangling the Causal Mechanisms of Winner-Loser Effects in a Multi-Party System.
[Jahrestagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises „Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“, (virtual conference), November 12th to November 13th, 2020]
Gavras, Konstantin, Matthias Mader, Tom Scotto, Stephanie Hofmann, Jason Reifler, Catarina Thomson and Harald Schoen
Neue Bedrohungen, neue Sicherheitsarchitektur? Individuelle Bedrohungswahrnehmungen und Einstellungen zur internationalen Sicherheitsarchitektur in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und Italien.
[Jahrestagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises „Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“, (virtual conference), November 12th to November 13th, 2020]
Gavras, Konstantin, Jan Karem Höhne, Harald Schoen and Annelies G. Blom
New Avenues in Survey Data Collection. Investigating Linguistic and Content Characteristics of Text and Voice Answers to Political Attitude Questions.
[MaSIR Talk, (virtual), October 27th, 2020]
Gavras, Konstantin, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Anführer der freien Welt oder Vorbote demokratischer Dekonsolidierung? Die Entwicklung der Demokratieunterstützung in Ost- und West-Deutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung.
[Tagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Mannheim, May 09th to May 10th, 2019]
Gavras, Konstantin, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Convergence or Divergence in Strategic Cultures in Europe since the End of the Cold War? - A Quantitative Text Analysis of Strategy Papers.
[CEEISA-ISA 2019 Joint International Conference, Belgrad, June 17th to June 19th, 2019]
Pesthy, Maria, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
National identity conceptions, populism, and voting: Evidence from Germany.
[Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Conference, Glasgow, September 13th to September 15th, 2019]
Pesthy, Maria, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Populismus oder Nativismus? Eine vergleichende Analyse der ideellen Motive der AfD-Wahl in Ost- und Westdeutschland.
[Wahlen und politische Einstellungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Persistenz, Konvergenz oder Divergenz?, Mannheim, May 09th to May 10th, 2019]
Gärtner, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Who talks and who listens? Examining moderators of conversation effects on vote choice.
[The Deliberative Quality of Communication Conference, MZES, Mannheim, November 08th, 2018]
Gavras, Konstantin, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Understanding Support for the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy.
[Workshop "Understanding Policy Preferences Using Experimental Methods", ZEW, Mannheim, December 17th to December 18th, 2018]
Manger, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Dynamische Modellierung politischer Diskussionsnetzwerke.
[Wahlstudientreffen DACH, Lausanne, April 12th to April 13th, 2018]
Manger, Lea, Alexander Wuttke and Harald Schoen
Dynamische Modellierung von politischen Diskussionsnetzwerken und ihr Einfluss auf das Wahlverhalten im Mehrparteiensystem.
[Tagung des AK Wahlen zur Bundestagswahl 2017, WZB, Berlin, May 24th to May 25th, 2018]
Jungherr, Andreas, Alexander Wuttke, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
Advocating TTIP: Effects of Interest Groups’ Mailings in the Field.
[113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, August 31st to September 03rd, 2017]
Jungherr, Andreas, Alexander Wuttke, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
The Persuasive Effects of an Interest Group Mailing: Comparing Evidence from Parallel Survey and Field Experiments.
[75th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 06th to April 09th, 2017]
Lindstam, Emmy, Matthias Mader and Harald Schoen
National Identities and Boundaries of Solidarity. The Evolution of German Citizens’ Normative Conceptions of the Nation and Attitudes towards Immigration and the Refugee Crisis.
[Workshop “Immigration, European Integration and Political Psychology”, University of Copenhagen, January 25th to January 27th, 2017]
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Foreign Core Postures and Intra-Individual Change in Attitudes toward the United States and Russia in the German Public.
[45th ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Nottingham, April 25th to April 30th, 2017]
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Nationale Identität, die Bewertung politischer Akteure und die Flüchtlingskrise.
[Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Wahlen und politische Einstellungen der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, May 18th to May 19th, 2017]
Preißinger, Maria, Agatha Kratz, Harald Schoen and Alexander Wuttke
Voter Decision-Making from Election to Election: An Analysis of Voter Trajectories in Germany during the 2013-2017 Period.
[Conference "Elections, Parties, and Public Opinion in a Volatile World: A Comparative Perspective", MZES, Mannheim, November 10th, 2017]
Rudnik, Agatha, Maria Preißinger and Harald Schoen
Befragungseffekte bei Teilnehmern des GLES Wahlkampfpanel 2013-2016.
[11. Workshop der Panelsurveys in Deutschland, IAB Nürnberg, February 21st to February 22nd, 2017]
Schoen, Harald
Bürgerpflicht? Wer warum (nicht) wählt.
[Herrenhäuser Forum, Beitrag zur Podiumsdiskussion, Hannover, March 15th, 2017]
Rudnik, Agatha, Maria Preißinger and Harald Schoen
Turning Offliners into Onliners: Mode-Wechsel in den Zwischenerhebungen des GLES Langfristpanels 2014 & 2015.
[Treffen der Panelsurveys in Deutschland, DIW Berlin, February 23rd to February 24th, 2016]
Jungherr, Andreas, Harald Schoen, Oliver Posegga and Pascal Jürgens
Characterizing Political Talk on Twitter: Agendas and Issue-Dynamics.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 03rd to September 06th, 2015]
Jungherr, Andreas, Oliver Posegga, Harald Schoen and Pascal Jürgens
The diffusion of news on Twitter: Political talk about the NSA-spying scandal during the campaign for the German federal election 2013.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 03rd to September 06th, 2015]
Preißinger, Maria, Harald Schoen and Elena Wiegand
Vote switching in two consecutive national election campaigns: Evidence from the 2009-to-2013 GLES campaign panel survey.
[9th ECPR General Conference, Université de Montréal, August 26th to August 29th, 2015]
Plischke, Thomas, Harald Schoen, Markus Steinbrecher and Elena Wiegand
Do campaigns matter for individual vote choice? Studying campaign effects at the German federal election 2013.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, June 19th to June 21st, 2014]
Plischke, Thomas, Harald Schoen, Markus Steinbrecher and Elena Wiegand
Veggie-Day, Stinkefinger und Pädophilie-Debatte: Zum Einfluss von Wahlkampfereignissen auf individuelle Wahlabsichten.
[Jahrestagung der Arbeitskreise "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen" und "Politische Kommunikation", Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, June 05th to June 06th, 2014]
Rudnik, Agatha, and Harald Schoen
Mehr als ökonomisches Kalkül? Zu den Bestimmungsfaktoren von auf die Euro-Krise bezogenen Performanzbewertungen und Policy-Präferenzen.
[Tagung Sammelband "Wirtschaftskrise und Wahlverhalten in Deutschland", HWK Delmenhorst, July 24th to July 25th, 2014]
Steinbrecher, Markus, Thomas Plischke, Harald Schoen and Elena Wiegand
Vote Choice and Consideration Sets in a Multi-party Setting: Comparing different Measures of Consideration Sets.
[8th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, University of Glasgow, September 03rd to September 06th, 2014]
Steinbrecher, Markus, Thomas Plischke, Harald Schoen and Elena Wiegand
Vote Choice and Consideration Sets in a Multi-party Setting: Comparing different Measures of Consideration Sets.
[Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Rome, July 04th to July 07th, 2014]
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Explaining Electoral Choice in the 2013 German Federal Election: Chancellor Merkel, the Euro Crisis, and the AfD.
[Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe Workshop “Germany after the 2013 Election”, Bologna, November 30th, 2013]
Mader, Matthias, and Harald Schoen
Framingeffekte und Bevölkerungseinstellungen zu einem möglichen Bundeswehreinsatz in Libyen..
[Jahrestagung des GLES Young Researcher’s Network, Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, November 29th to November 30th, 2012]
Schoen, Harald, and Thorsten Faas
Staatshilfe für Opel? Eine Analyse von Framing-Effekten auf der Basis zweier Umfrageexperimente.
[Gründungstagung der Sektion „Methoden der Politikwissenschaft“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Hamburg, February 09th to February 11th, 2012]
Pötzschke, Jana, Hans Rattinger and Harald Schoen
Personality, Values and Attitudes toward Foreign and Security Policies.
[APSA 2011 Annual Meeting, Seattle, September 01st to September 04th, 2011]