Vocational qualification as safety-net? Education-to-work transitions of higher education dropouts in Germany.
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 9, Heft 7, S. 1-17.
Mirte M.M. Scholten
Ehemalige Projektmitarbeiterin
RP9 A2 Dimensionen gesellschaftlicher Integration: soziale Schichtung und soziale Ungleichheiten
RP8 A2 Bereiche gesellschaftlicher Integration: Familie, Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Weiss, Felix, und Mirte M.M. Scholten
Gender differences in the influence of parental class on young adults’ participation in postsecondary education in the US.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 38, Heft 2, S. 182-199.
MZES Arbeitspapiere
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Labour Market Outcomes of Higher-Education Dropouts in Germany: How Formal Vocational Qualifications Shape Education-To-Work Transitions and Occupational Status.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 168]
Scholten, Mirte M.M.
Causes and Consequences of Higher Education Non-Completion in Germany. The effect of pre-tertiary educational pathways on higher-education non-completion and the labour market outcomes of higher-education dropouts.
University of Mannheim.
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Higher education dropout in times of economic crises.
[ECSR 2014 Conference 'Social Inequalities in Europe – On the Rise Again?', WZB Berlin, 23. bis 25. September 2014]
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Higher education non-completion in times of economic crises.
[22nd Annual Workshop Transitions In Youth (TIY), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 03. bis 06. September 2014]
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Labour market returns of higher education drop-outs: human capital or signalling?.
[XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, 13. bis 19. Juli 2014]
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
School-to-work transitions of higher education dropouts.
[ISA RC28 Spring Conference 'Old and new social divides: social stratification research in the 21th century', Central European University, Budapest, 08. bis 10. Mai 2014]
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Labour market returns of higher education dropouts: Human capital or signalling?.
[21st Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth, WZB, Berlin, 11. bis 14. September 2013]
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Pathways in and out of higher education: Effects of prior educational and vocational pathways on higher education drop out in Germany.
[SPP 1646 Summer School 'Educational Trajectories and Competence Development – Theoretical Concepts and Methodological Implementations', Bamberg, 16. bis 27. September 2013]
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben
Gender and class differences in tertiary education dropout: Effects of entry pathways and age..
[ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm, 24. bis 26. September 2012]
Brüderl, Josef, Laura Castiglioni, Jette Schröder, Elena Boldin, Julie Gast, Bernadette Huyer-May, Volker Ludwig, Klaus Pforr, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Mirte M.M. Scholten, Nina Schumann und Philipp Schütze
pairfam Waves 1 - 3: Field Report and Data Editing.
[Advisory Board Meeting of the pairfam-Project, München, 21. September 2011]
Scholten, Mirte M.M.
The long arms of parents? Social inequality in women's college entry throughout the life course in the US..
[Gender Variations in Educational Success, Luxembourg, 03. bis 05. Oktober 2011]
Weiss, Felix, und Mirte M.M. Scholten
Gender difference in the influence of parental class on young adults participation in postsecondary education in the US.
[IAB Workshop on Education in Adulthood and the Labour Market, Nürnberg, 06. bis 07. November 2009]