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Drahokoupil, Jan, Bastiaan van Apeldoorn und Laura Horn (2009): Introduction: Towards a critical political economy of European governance. S. 1-17 in: Bastiaan van Apeldoorn, Jan Drahokoupil, Laura Horn (Hrsg.) Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance. From Lisbon to Lisbon. Basingstoke: Palgrave. mehr
Däubler, Thomas, und Marc Debus (2009): Government Formation and Policy Formulation in the German States. Regional & Federal Studies, 19, Heft 1, S. 73-95. mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2009): Can Path Dependence Explain Institutional Change? Two Approaches Applied to Welfare State Reform. S. 191-212 in: Lars Magnusson, Jan Ottosson (Hrsg.) The Evolution of Path Dependence. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, und Werner Eichhorst (2009): Germany. S. 119-144 in: Paul de Beer, Trudie Schils (Hrsg.) The Labour Market Triangle: Employment Protection, Unemployment Compensation and Activation in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub.. mehr
Esser, Hartmut (2009): Rationality and commitment: the model of frame selection and the explanation of normative action. S. 207-230 in: Mohamed Cherkaoui, Peter Hamilton (Hrsg.) Raymond Boudon: A Life in Sociology. Oxford: The Bardwell Press. mehr
Finke, Daniel, und Thomas König (2009): Why risk popular ratification failure? A comparative analysis of the choice of the ratification instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU. Constitutional Political Economy, 20, Heft 3-4, S. 341-365. mehr
Freitag, Markus, und Richard Traunmüller (2009): Spheres of Trust. An Empirical Analysis of the Foundations of Particularized and Generalized Trust. European Journal of Political Research, 48, Heft 6, S. 782-803. mehr
García Faroldi, Maria Livia (2009): International experience and national contexts: measuring attitudes towards the EU in cross-national research. Mannheim [Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 120] mehr
Gebel, Michael (2009): Fixed-Term Contracts at Labour Market Entry in West Germany: Implications for Job Search and First Job Quality. European Sociological Review, 25, Heft 6, S. 661-675. mehr
Gebel, Michael (2009): Wage effects of education: the impact of educational expansion in Germany. S. 261-270 in: Rolf Becker, Andreas Hadjar (Hrsg.) Expected and unexpected consequences of educational expansion in Europe and the US. Theoretical approaches and empirical findings in comparative perspective. Bern: Haupt. mehr
