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3472 Ergebnisse

Reimer, David (2007): Gender Differentiation in Higher Education. [Forschungskolloquium WS 06/07 des Arbeitsbereichs empirische Sozialforschung, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 17. Januar 2007] mehr
Reimer, David (2007): Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Germany and France. [International Conference “Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion”, Monté Verita, Ascona, 08. bis 13. Juli 2007] mehr
Reimer, David (2007): Objective vs. perceived returns to education: Changing labour market conditions and postsecondary educational decisions in Germany. [Spring meeting of the ISA Research Committee (RC) 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Brno, 24. Mai 2007] mehr
Reimer, David (2007): Objective vs. perceived returns to education: Changing labour market conditions and postsecondary educational decisions in Germany. [Forschungskolloquium SS 2007 des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft; Abteilung Bildungssoziologie und des Instituts für Soziologie, Abteilung empirische Sozialforschung, Universität Bern, Bern, 12. Juni 2007] mehr
Reimer, David (2007): Türkische Studienberechtigte beim Übergang zur Hochschule. [Vortrag bei der Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH, Hannover, 01. November 2007] mehr
Reimer, David, Marie Duru-Bellat und Annick Kiefer (2007): Field of study and social inequality in access to higher education in France and Germany. [Workshop des Europäischen Forschungsnetzwerks EQUALSOC, Field of Study Team, Amsterdam, 29. Januar 2007] mehr
Rittberger, Berthold (2007): EU Governance in Relation to Global Governance. [CASS Workshop Peking, EU Governance at Work, Peking, 14. bis 16. Juni 2007] mehr
Rittberger, Berthold (2007): The EU, still a civilian power?. [CASS Conference Beijing, EU Model under Discussion, Peking, 12. bis 14. Juni 2007] mehr
Rittberger, Berthold (2007): Eurpean governance concept: state of the art and prospects for the future. [Summer School on European Union Studies: Methodological Opportunities and Limits, St. Petersburg, 07. bis 11. September 2007] mehr
Rittberger, Berthold (2007): The historical trajectory of representation in the European Union. [Connex Thematic Conference on Accountability, Florenz, 29. bis 30. Juni 2007] mehr
