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1589 Ergebnisse

Sanhueza Petrarca, Constanza (2012): Multiculturalism in Western European Party Systems. [EPSA General Conference, Berlin, 21. bis 23. Juni 2012] mehr
Schmiedeberg, Claudia, Elena Boldin und Bernadette Huyer-May (2012): Interviewerkontrolle bei pairfam. [Methodenworkshop 2012: Aktuelle Probleme und Persperktiven der Feldarbeit bei F2F Umfragen, Gesis Mannheim, 11. Dezember 2012] mehr
Schmitt, Hermann (2012): Chair of the Management Committee and Working Groups Meetings, COST Action IS0806 “The True European Voter: A Strategy for Analysing the Prospects of European Electoral Democracy that includes the West, the South and the East of the Continent”. [Institute of International Relations and Political Science Vilnius University, Lithuania, 19. bis 21. Oktober 2012] mehr
Schmitt, Hermann (2012): Critical Elections in the European Union. [Incontri Riformisti 2012, Chiesa Valmalenco (Sondrio), 06. bis 07. Juli 2012] mehr
Schmitt, Hermann (2012): Parties, Candidates and Voters in the 2009 Election to the European Parliament. [EPOP Conference 2012, Oxford, 07. bis 09. September 2012] mehr
Schmitt, Hermann (2012): The True European Voter: APC Presentation IS0806 (Year 3). [6th ISCH Annual Progress Conference, Lyon, 31. Mai bis 01. Juni 2012] mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2012): From an idea to a submitted article. [GLES Young Researchers’ Network Annual Meeting, Mannheim, 29. bis 30. November 2012] mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, und Patrick Kraft (2012): Political Information Flows and Consistent Voting: Political Conversations, Mass Media, Party Campaigns and the Quality of Voting Decisions at the 2009 German Federal Election. [Authors’ conference of "Voters on the move or on the run?", Berlin, 23. bis 24. Juli 2012] mehr
Schneider, Ellen (2012): German Regional Parliamentarians and European Politics. [Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, ECPR Standing Group on the EU, Tampere, 13. bis 15. September 2012] mehr
Schneider, Ellen (2012): Landtagsabgeordnete und EU-Entscheidungsprozesse. [Doktorandenworkshop "Internationale Beziehungen" der LMU München, Kochel, 13. bis 14. Juli 2012] mehr
