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405 Ergebnisse

Quittkat, Christine (2012): Competition, Cooperation, and Campaigning - Blurring lines in EU interest representation?. [42nd Annual UACES Conference “Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2012, Old borders - New frontiers", Panel: New frontiers in EU business lobbying?", , University of Passau, Passau, 03. bis 05. September 2012] mehr
Quittkat, Christine (2012): Die EBI - (K)ein Tor zur europäischen Politik für "Normalbürger. Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, 25, Heft 4, S. 69-79. mehr
Quittkat, Christine (2012): Interessengruppen in Frankreich. S. 127-144 in: Adolf Kimmel, Henrik Uterwedde (Hrsg.) Länderbericht Frankreich. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. mehr
Quittkat, Christine, und Peter Kotzian (2012): Lobbying via Consultation – Territorial and Functional Interests in the Commission’s Consultation Regime. S. 53-70 in: Michèle Knodt, Christine Quittkat, Justin Greenwood (Hrsg.) Functional and Territorial Interest Representation in the EU. London and New York: Routledge. mehr
Reibling, Nadine, und Claus Wendt (2012): Gatekeeping and Provider Choice in OECD Healthcare Systems. Current Sociology, 60, Heft 4, S. 489-505. mehr
Rimkutė, Dovilė (2012): The EU Regulatory Policy-Making Process: Emerging Practices of Expertise Usage. [The Multi-disciplinary Initial Training Networks on Inter-institutional Cooperation in the EU workshop, Brussels, 26. bis 29. Juni 2012] mehr
Rimkutė, Dovilė (2012): Expertise in the Early Stage of Policy-Making: Effective Problem-Solving vs. Strategic Use of Knowledge. [LMU Munich doctoral workshop, Munich, 26. bis 27. November 2012] mehr
Rimkutė, Dovilė, und Markus Haverland (2012): The European Commission’s Usage of Expertise. Results from a Survey among Expert Group Members. [6th ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, 13. bis 15. September 2012] mehr
Rimkutė, Dovilė, und Markus Haverland (2012): The Usage of Scientific Knowledge in European Union Legislative Policy-Making. [Annual Meeting of the Dutch and the Flemish Associations of Political Science, Amsterdam, 31. Mai bis 01. Juni 2012] mehr
Rinke, Eike Mark (2012): Teaching the dynamics of framing competitions. Communication Teacher, 26, Heft 3, S. 143-146. mehr
