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1087 Ergebnisse

Schmitt, Hermann (2012): Parties, Candidates and Voters in the 2009 Election to the European Parliament. [EPOP Conference 2012, Oxford, 07. bis 09. September 2012] mehr
Schmitt, Hermann (2012): The True European Voter: APC Presentation IS0806 (Year 3). [6th ISCH Annual Progress Conference, Lyon, 31. Mai bis 01. Juni 2012] mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger (2012): From an idea to a submitted article. [GLES Young Researchers’ Network Annual Meeting, Mannheim, 29. bis 30. November 2012] mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, und Patrick Kraft (2012): Political Information Flows and Consistent Voting: Political Conversations, Mass Media, Party Campaigns and the Quality of Voting Decisions at the 2009 German Federal Election. [Authors’ conference of "Voters on the move or on the run?", Berlin, 23. bis 24. Juli 2012] mehr
Schneider, Ellen (2012): German Regional Parliamentarians and European Politics. [Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, ECPR Standing Group on the EU, Tampere, 13. bis 15. September 2012] mehr
Scholten, Mirte M.M., und Nicole Tieben (2012): Gender and class differences in tertiary education dropout: Effects of entry pathways and age.. [ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm, 24. bis 26. September 2012] mehr
Schulz, Benjamin (2012): Disentangling Ethnic and Social Capital Mechanisms: New Chances through NEPS Data. [RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, University of Sydney, 09. bis 13. Juli 2012] mehr
Schulz, Benjamin (2012): Ethnic Networks, Social Capital and the Labour Market Integration of Immigrants in Germany. [Second ISA Forum of Sociology, University of Buenos Aires, 01. bis 04. August 2012] mehr
Siegert, Manuel (2012): How Satisfied are Migrants in Germany with their Income? The Role of Income Aspirations. [XI ISQOLS Conference: Discovering New Frontiers in Quality-of-life Research , Ca' Foscari University, Venice, 01. bis 04. November 2012] mehr
Stoffel, Michael (2012): Mixed-Member Electoral Systems, MP Behavior, and the Pork Barrel. [40th ECPR Joint Sessions, Antwerp, 10. bis 15. April 2012] mehr
