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3471 Ergebnisse

Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): Civil Society in EU governance: Towards a more efficient and democratic Union?. [Manchester Jean Monet Centre of Excellence Annual Lecture, University of Manchester, 21. Mai 2008] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): Is the EU still unique?. [The Transformation of EU Policies? EU Governance at Work, Paris, 17. bis 18. Januar 2008] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): Governance with Civil Society EU Style. [ARENA Seminar, University of Oslo, Oslo, 02. September 2008] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): The legitimacy of the EU as a foreign policy actor. [Global Governance: Challenges for Multilateralism and the European Union, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 26. bis 27. November 2008] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): Participation without representation? Involvement of civil society in EU governance. [Rethinking Representation: A North-South dialogue, Bellagio, 29. September bis 03. Oktober 2008] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): Regieren im Mehrebenensystem. Mehr Einfluss, weniger Verantwortung?. [CGG Lecture Series, Hamburg, 30. Januar 2008] mehr
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2008): Die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft in der europäischen Politik. [Vortrag, Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), 02. Dezember 2008] mehr
Krieger, Ulrich (2008): Beyond the household - accessibility of Partners and Parents outside of the household for panel studies. [7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, RC33 - Logic and Methodology in Sociology (ISA), Naples, 01. bis 05. September 2008] mehr
Krieger, Ulrich (2008): 'Who did you reside with when you were a child?' The Calendar Instrument on Childhood and Adolescence. [7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, RC33 - Logic and Methodology in Sociology (ISA), Naples, 01. bis 05. September 2008] mehr
König, Thomas (2008): Imputing Legislator's Missing Positions: A Strategic View. [Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, Massachusetts, 28. bis 31. August 2008] mehr
