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8583 Ergebnisse

Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, und Christian Schnaudt (2023): Everyday Political Talk with Strangers: The Missing Link in the Deliberative System. [80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, 13. bis 16. April 2023] mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, und Christian Schnaudt (2023): Political Talk and the Triad of Democratic Citizenship. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 19, Heft 1, S. 1-17. mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, und Christian Schnaudt (2023): Wie deliberativ ist die politische Alltagskommunikation?. [Invited Talk at the Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart - Abt. für Politische Theorie und Empirische Demokratieforschung, Stuttgart, 04. Juni 2023] mehr
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, und Manuel Neumann (2023): Do People like to Discuss Politics? A Study of Citizens' Political Talk Culture. European Political Science Review, 15, Heft 3, S. 373–392. mehr
Schulte-Cloos, Julia, und Paul C. Bauer (2023): Local Candidates, Place-Based Identities, and Electoral Success. Political Behavior, 45, Heft 2, S. 679–698. mehr
Schwitter, Nicole (2023): Bridging the offline and online: 20 years of offline meeting data of the German-language Wikipedia. Journal of Computational Social Science, 6, Heft 2, S. 1103–1124. mehr
Schwitter, Nicole (2023): Data Brief: Twenty years of offline meeting data of the German-language Wikipedia. [WikiWorkshop, (virtual), 11. Mai 2023] mehr
Schwitter, Nicole, und Ulf Liebe (2023): Not Cologne but the data collection (might have) changed everything: a cautionary tale on ignoring changes in data recording in sociological research. European Sociological Review, 39, Heft 6, S. 1005–1010. mehr
Siegert, Manuel, Tobias Roth und Irena Kogan (2023): Gendered Occupational Aspirations: A Comparison of Young Native-Born and Turkish Minority Women. S. 403-423 in: Sabine Weinert, Gwendolin Josephine Blossfeld, Hans-Peter Blossfeld (Hrsg.) Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Cham: Springer Nature. mehr
Silber, Henning, Johannes Breuer, Jessica Daikeler, Barbara Felderer, Frederic Gerdon, Florian Keusch und Bernd Weiß (2023): Sharing Digital Traces: Experimental Evidence on the Influence of the Data Type, the Recipient, and a Safe Transmission. [10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan, 17. bis 21. Juli 2023] mehr
