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1325 Ergebnisse

Karacay, Irem (2024): Don’t you dare speaking this language outside, sweetheart: Silence across generations?. [Interdisciplinary Workshop on Language and Trauma , (virtual), 18. bis 22. März 2024] mehr
Karacay, Irem (2024): Speaking the Unspoken: Utilizing Controversial Content in Online Sampling. [3rd Annual Meth@Mig Workshop: Participant Recruitment Strategies and Sampling Methods in Migration Research, Mannheim, 25. bis 26. April 2024] mehr
Kogan, Irena, Irem Karacay, Aigul Alieva, Taylor Kroezen, Auli Toom und Katri Kleemola (2024): Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective. [Project PIONEERED Final Conference, Belval, 30. Januar bis 01. Februar 2024] mehr
Kogan, Irena, Markus Weißmann und Jörg Dollmann (2024): Police discrimination and police distrust among ethnic minority adolescents in Germany. Frontiers in Sociology, 9, (Article no. 1231774, pp. 1-15). mehr
Kuhlemann, Jana, und Irena Kogan (2024): Religion and partner search among young refugees, migrants, and natives in Germany. ["Ungleichheit und Zusammenhalt", Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" und des Cluster 2 des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ), Bremen, 05. bis 07. März 2024] mehr
Kurella, Anna-Sophie, und Milena Rapp (2024): Combining voter preferences with party position estimates from different sources for studying voting behavior and representation. Electoral Studies, 87, (article no. 102734), pp. 12. mehr
König, Thomas (2024): The dynamics of European integration: causes and consequences of institutional choices. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. mehr
Lee, Melissa, Nan Zhang und Tilmann Herchenröder (2024): From Pluribus to Unum? The Civil War and Imagined Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century America. American Political Science Review, 118, Heft 1, S. 127-143. mehr
Lorenz, Georg, Irena Kogan, Sarah Gentrup und Cornelia Kristen (2024): Non-native Accents among School Beginners and Teacher Expectations for Future Student Achievements. Sociology of Education, 97, Heft 1, S. 1-96. mehr
Mader, Matthias, Konstantin Gavras, Stephanie Hofmann, Jason Reifler, Harald Schoen und Catarina Thomson (2024): International threats and support for European security and defence integration: Evidence from 25 countries. European Journal of Political Research, 63, Heft 2, S. 433-454. mehr
