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3472 Ergebnisse

Neugebauer, Martin, und Steffen Schindler (2009): The German case: primary and secondary effects at the transitions to upper secondary school and to tertiary education. [EQUALSOC EDUC Primary and Secondary Effects Team Meeting, Tallinn, 11. bis 13. Juni 2009] mehr
Noelke, Clemens (2009): Employment protection and youth unemployment. [Workshop "Employment Protection and Inequality in Comparative Perspective", Cambridge, MA, 27. November 2009] mehr
Noelke, Clemens, und Michael Gebel (2009): Ability grouping, equality and reading achievement. [EQUALSOC Research Team Meeting "Evaluating Educational Institutions", Madrid, 23. Januar 2009] mehr
Pfeifer, Michaela (2009): Ideas and Institutions: Protection for the unemployed and poor in Europe. [EQUALSOC INCDIS Workshop, Dublin, 10. bis 11. November 2009] mehr
Pforr, Klaus (2009): Pairfam - Study description and DDI documentation targets. [DDI: Support Preservation, Management, Acces and Dissemination Systems for Social Science Data, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, 26. bis 30. Oktober 2009] mehr
Proksch, Sven-Oliver (2009): The Dynamics of the Party System in Postwar Japan: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Electoral Pledges and Manifestos" and "Institutional and Electoral Foundations of Parliamentary Speeches. [2009 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Toronto, 03. bis 06. September 2009] mehr
Proksch, Sven-Oliver (2009): Scrutinizing the Executive: Parliamentary Questions in the European Union" and "Parliamentary Questions and Oversight in the European Union. [EUSA 11th Biennial International Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 23. bis 25. April 2009] mehr
Quittkat, Christine (2009): The European Commission's Online-Consultations' contribution to democracy. [Workshop: Participation and Legitimation in International Organisations", Sonderforschungsbereich 597 ‚Staatlichkeit im Wandel, Bremen, 29. bis 30. Januar 2009] mehr
Quittkat, Christine, und Thorsten Hüller (2009): Bringing Civil Society In: The European Union and the rise of representative democracy. [International Conference: Democratising the European Union via Civil Society Involvement? The Case of the Commission’s Online Consultations, EUI/Florence, 13. bis 14. März 2009] mehr
Reibling, Nadine (2009): The Role of Education in Managing Chronic Illnesses and Its Effects on Quality of Life. [9th European Sociological Association Conference, Lissabon, 02. bis 06. September 2009] mehr
