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277 Ergebnisse

Keuschnigg, Marc, und Tobias Wolbring (2017): Robert K. Merton: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy / The Matthew Effect in Science. S. 177-184 in: Klaus Kraemer, Florian Brugger (Hrsg.) Schlüsselwerke der Wirtschaftssoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. mehr
Klein, Oliver, und Birgit Becker (2017): Preschools as language learning environments for children of immigrants. Differential effects by familial language use across different preschool contexts. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 48, Heft April, S. 20-31. mehr
Klein, Oliver, Martin Neugebauer und Marita Jacob (2017): Migrant teachers in the classroom: A key to reduce ethnic disadvantages in school?. [ECSR 2017 Conference "Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics", Bocconi University, Milano, 31. August bis 02. September 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): Accent and ethnic minorities’ social interactions. [Empirical Research Colloquium, Frankfurt, 20. Juni 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): Accent and ethnic minorities’ social interactions. [Movement and Migration – Research Alumni Meeting of the University of Konstanz, Tel Aviv, 12. bis 15. September 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): Accent and language proficiency among Germany’s ethnic minority youth. [ECSR 2017 Conference "Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics", Bocconi University, Milano, 31. August bis 02. September 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): Immigrant life situation through the lenses of sending and receiving societies. [RC28 Spring Meeting 2017, Köln, 30. März bis 01. April 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): Keynote: Children of immigrants’ integration within education system. [Maynooth Education Forum, Dublin, 15. bis 16. Juni 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): The role of language proficiency and accent in ethnic minorities’ youth transitions. [Spring Seminar 2017, University of Amsterdam, 10. bis 11. Mai 2017] mehr
Kogan, Irena (2017): Skill Production Regimes and Immigrant Labor Market Integration. S. 1-14 in: Robert A. Scott, Marlis C. Buchmann (Hrsg.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. mehr
