Special Issue: Coping with Crisis: Europe’s Challenges and Strategies.
[Journal of European Integration, Volume 36 Number 3]
Dr. Galina Zapryanova

ehemalige Projektleiterin
- Öffentliche Meinung
- Politische Parteien und Wahlverhalten
- Euro-Skeptizismus
RP9 B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen und Europäisierung
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Zapryanova, Galina, und Olena Surzhko-Harned
The Effect of Supranational Identity on Cultural Values in Europe.
European Political Science Review, 8, Heft 4, S. 647 - 566.
Tosun, Jale, Anne Wetzel und Galina Zapryanova
Introduction. The EU in Crisis: Advancing the Debate.
Journal of European Integration, 36, Heft 3, S. 195–211.
Abbarno, Aaron, und Galina Zapryanova
Indirect Effects of Eurosceptic Messages on Citizen Attitudes toward Domestic Politics.
Journal of Common Market Studies, 51, Heft 4, S. 581-597.
Arnold, Christine, Eli Sapir und Galina Zapryanova
Trust in the Institutions of the European Union: A Cross-Country Examination.
European Integration online Papers.
Hix, Simon, Richard Whitaker und Galina Zapryanova
MEPs in the 2014-19 European Parliament: The rise of Euroscepticism?.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 03. bis 06. September 2015]
Zapryanova, Galina, und Kyriaki Nanou
Policy congruence between parties and voters in Europe.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, 25. bis 27. Juni 2015]
Zapryanova, Galina, und Kyriaki Nanou
The influence of Europeanisation on left-right policy congruence between parties and voters.
[73rd Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 16. bis 19. April 2015]
Zapryanova, Galina, und Kyriaki Nanou
Economic Crisis and Public Attitudes towards the EU in Southern Europe.
[21st International Conference of Europeanists, Washington, DC, 14. bis 16. März 2014]
Zapryanova, Galina, und Kyriaki Nanou
Europeanisation Across Time: Evidence from an Expert Survey.
[ECPR General Conference, University of Glasgow, 03. bis 06. September 2014]
Abbarno, Aaron, und Galina Zapryanova
Who Can Frame Europe? Fringe versus Mainstream Party Euroscepticism and Citizens’ Attitudes towards Domestic Politics.
[71st Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 11. bis 14. April 2013]
Zapryanova, Galina, und Olena Surzhko-Harned
The Effect of Supranational Identity on Social Values in Europe.
[EUSA Thirteenth Biennial Conference, Baltimore, MD, 09. bis 11. Mai 2013]
Abbarno, Aaron, und Galina Zapryanova
Framing Euroscepticism: Unintended Consequences of Elite Cues on Citizens' Attitudes.
[Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, 13. bis 15. September 2012]
Abbarno, Aaron, und Galina Zapryanova
Healthy Euroscepticism? Anti-EU Rhetoric and Citizen Support for Democratic Values.
[American Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, 30. August bis 02. September 2012]
Zapryanova, Galina
Party Competition, Corruption and Electoral Behavior in the New EU Member States.
[19th International Conference of Europeanists organized by the Council for European Studies, Boston, MA, 22. bis 24. März 2012]