Does Facebook increase political participation? Evidence from a field experiment.
Information, Communication & Society, 19, Heft 10, S. 1465-1486.
Dr. William E. M. Lowe

Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
RP9 B1 Konditionen demokratischen Regierens: Verhalten und Orientierungen von Bürgern
RP8 B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Theocharis, Yannis, William E. M. Lowe, Jan W. van Deth und Gema García Albacete
Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: Online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements.
Information, Communication & Society, 18, Heft 2, S. 202-220.
Carey, Sabine C., Neil J. Mitchell und William E. M. Lowe
States, the security sector, and the monopoly on violence: A new database on pro-government militias.
Journal of Peace Research, 50, Heft 2, S. 249-258.
Lowe, William E. M., und Kenneth Benoit
Validating estimates of latent traits from textual data using human judgment as a benchmark.
Political Analysis, 21, Heft 3, S. 298-313.
Benoit, Kenneth, Michael Laver, William E. M. Lowe und Slava Mikhaylov
How to scale coded text units without bias: A response to Gemenis.
Electoral Studies, 31, Heft 3, S. 605-608.
Lowe, William E. M., Kenneth Benoit, Slava Mikhaylov und Michael Laver
Scaling policy preferences from coded units of political texts.
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 26, Heft 1, S. 123-155.
Papers / Reports
Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik, William E. M. Lowe und Christian van Stolk
Towards NPM-ization of the post-communist state? Attitudes of public officials towards models of bureaucracy in Central and Eastern Europe.
Theocharis, Yannis, und William E. M. Lowe
Does Facebook Increase Political Participation? Evidence from a Field Experiment.
[110th APSA Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 28. bis 31. August 2014]
Theocharis, Yannis, und William E. M. Lowe
Does Facebook Increase Political Participation? Evidence from a Survey Experiment.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 19. bis 21. Juni 2014]
García Albacete, Gema, Yannis Theocharis, William E. M. Lowe und Jan W. van Deth
Social Media Mobilisation as a Prompt for Offline Participation? Analysing Occupy Wall Street Twitterers’ Offline Engagement with the Movement.
[ECPR Joint Sessions, 'Collective Action Online: Theories and Methods' Workshop, Mainz, 11. bis 16. März 2013]
Lowe, William E. M.
Measurement models for event data.
[3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Barcelona, 20. bis 22. Juni 2013]
Theocharis, Yannis, William E. M. Lowe, Jan W. van Deth und Gema García Albacete
Using Twitter to Mobilise Protest Action: Transnational Online Mobilisation Patterns and Action Repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados and Aganaktismenoi Movements.
[ECPR Joint Sessions, 'The Transnational Dimension of Protest: From the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street' Workshop, Mainz, 11. bis 16. März 2013]
Lowe, William E. M.
Everything you ever wanted to know about text scaling (but were afraid to ask).
[SFB 884 Workshop: New Methodological Developments in Party Manifesto Research, Mannheim, 11. Oktober 2012]
Lowe, William E. M., und Kenneth Benoit
Human validation of latent trait scaling from textual data.
[ESRC Research Methods Festival, Oxford University, 02. bis 05. Juli 2012]
Lowe, William E. M., und Kenneth Benoit
Estimating uncertainty in quantitative text analysis.
[MI Text Analysis Workshop, London, 23. bis 24. Juni 2011]
Lowe, William E. M., und Kenneth Benoit
Practical issues in text scaling models: Estimating legislator ideal points in multi-party systems using speeches.
[Midwest Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, 30. April bis 03. Mai 2011]
Lowe, William E. M.
Statistical issues with event data and the shape of the solutions.
[Event Data Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 02. bis 04. Dezember 2011]