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280 Ergebnisse

Bähr, Sebastian, Georg-Christoph Haas, Florian Keusch, Frauke Kreuter und Mark Trappmann (2021): Social networks on smartphones. Congruency of online and offline networks and their effect on labor market outcomes. [International Conference "What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Significance for Social Sciences", (virtual conference), 15. bis 16. Juni 2021] mehr
Chan, Chung-hong, Adrian Rauchfleisch, Hartmut Wessler, Pilipp Müller und Katharina Ludwig (2021): Estimation of differential implicit media bias. [71st Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), 27. bis 31. Mai 2021] mehr
Debus, Marc (2021): Person, Partei, Programm - was die Wahl entscheidet. [POLITISCH BILDET – Landtagswahl 2021 spezial. Podcast der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung , (virtuell), 04. Februar 2021] mehr
Debus, Marc, und Noam Himmelrath (2021): Does Age Make a Difference? The Effect of MPs' Age on their Activity in Parliamentary Debates on Climate Change. [28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, (virtual conference), 14. bis 16. September 2021] mehr
Dobbrick, Timo, Julia Jakob und Hartmut Wessler (2021): The (De)civilizing Impact of an Inclusive Actor Set in News Articles on Associated User Debates. [Three-Country Conference on Communication Science - DACH 21, (virtual conference), 07. bis 09. April 2021] mehr
Dollmann, Jörg, Irena Kogan und Markus Weißmann (2021): Causes and (social) consequences of foreign accents. [Higher seminar in bilingualism research at Stockholm University, (virtual), 09. Februar 2021] mehr
Dollmann, Jörg, Irena Kogan und Markus Weißmann (2021): When your accent betrays you. The role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of ethnic minority youth in Germany. [18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, (virtual conference), 07. bis 09. Juli 2021] mehr
Dollmann, Jörg, Sabrina Jasmin Mayer und Mariel McKone Leonard (2021): Setting Up An Online Access Panel Of People Of Immigrant Origin In Germany. [ESRA 2021 conference, (virtual conference), 02. bis 23. Juli 2021] mehr
Däubler, Thomas, Marc Debus und Alejandro Ecker (2021): The impact of party campaign statements on portfolio allocation in coalition governments. [Workshop “Coalition Dynamics: Advances in the Study of the Coalition Life-Cycle”, Wien, 12. bis 13. November 2021] mehr
Eck, Jennifer (2021): Counteracting the negative impact of social exclusion. [Invited Talk, University of Southampton, 17. November 2021] mehr
