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315 Ergebnisse

Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2022): Welfare State Resilience in Hard Times: Crisis Responses to the Great Recession and the Pandemic in Europe. [In_Equality Colloquium Talk, Universität Konstanz, 13. Dezember 2022] mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2022): Welfare States in Crisis or for Crises? Europe Facing the Great Recession and the Pandemic. [28th International Conference of Europeanists, Lisbon, 29. Juni bis 01. Juli 2022] mehr
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2022): Die Zukunft der Wohlfahrtsstaaten & Rentensysteme in Europa: soziale Sicherung nicht erst im Alter. [Fachtagung "Alterssicherung im internationalen Vergleich und europäische Sozialpolitik", Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, Erkner, 21. November 2022] mehr
Engst, Benjamin G., Thomas Gschwend und Christoph Hönnige (2022): Who should be selected to the highest courts? Evidence from Survey Experiments in France, Germany and the United States. [ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck, 22. bis 26. August 2022] mehr
Grundmanns, David M. (2022): The impact of external actors on judicial decision-making. Evidence from the German Federal Constitutional Court. [12th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Prague, 23. bis 25. Juni 2022] mehr
Grundmanns, David M. (2022): The impact of external actors on judicial decision-making. Evidence from the German Federal Constitutional Court. [First Joint Global Politics of Law & Courts Workshop, Berlin/Atlanta, 07. bis 08. Oktober 2022] mehr
Gutfleisch, Tamara, und Irena Kogan (2022): Gender disparities in STEM (=science, technology, engineering, mathematics) scholastic achievement by ethnic origin: Evidence from Germany. [ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam, 06. bis 08. Juli 2022] mehr
Gutfleisch, Tamara, und Irena Kogan (2022): Parental Occupation and STEM Scholastic Achievements by Gender and Ethnic Origin: Evidence from Germany. [RC28 Spring Meeting, London, 21. bis 23. April 2022] mehr
Helbling, Marc (2022): Measuring Immigration Policies and their Effects. [Demscore Workshop, Uppsala University, 01. bis 02. Dezember 2022] mehr
Helbling, Marc, und Sandra Morgenstern (2022): Migration aspirations and the perceptions of the political, economic and social environment in Africa. [Kolloquium der Abteilung Migration, Integration, Transnationalisierung (WZB), (virtual), 16. Februar 2022] mehr
