(In Press):
Media impact on perceptions in postwar societies: Insights from Nepal.
Conflict Management and Peace Science, (publ. online before print).
Prof. Sabine C. Carey, Ph.D.
Direktorin des MZES und Projektleiterin
sabine.carey [at] uni-mannheim.de
Universität Mannheim
Universität Mannheim
A5, 6 Gebäudeteil B
B1 Konditionen demokratischen Regierens: Verhalten und Orientierungen von Bürgern
B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen und Europäisierung
RP9 BI Assoziierte Projekte
RP8 B2 Kontexte demokratischen Regierens
RP8 B3 Regieren in Mehrebenensystemen
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Carey, Sabine C., Christian Gläßel und Katrin Paula
(In Press):
Media impact on perceptions in postwar societies: Insights from Nepal.
Conflict Management and Peace Science, (publ. online before print).
Carey, Sabine C., und Jürgen Brandsch
Borders and bullies: How borders shape perceptions of security and foreign policy preferences..
Research and Politics, 11, Heft 2.
Carey, Sabine C., Belén González und Neil J. Mitchell
Media freedom and the escalation of state violence.
Political Studies, 71, Heft 2, S. 440–462.
Carey, Sabine C., Belén González und Christian Gläßel
Divergent Perceptions of Peace in Post-Conflict Societies: Insights from Sri Lanka.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 66, Heft 9, S. 1589-1618.
Carey, Sabine C., Neil J. Mitchell und Katrin Paula
The Life, Death, and Diversity of Pro-Government Militias: The Fully Revised Pro-Government Militias Database Version 2.0.
Research and Politics, 9, Heft 1, S. 1-9.
Carey, Sabine C., und Belén González
The legacy of war: The effect of militias on postwar repression.
Conflict Management and Peace Science, 38, Heft 3, S. 247–269.
Carey, Sabine C., und Anita R. Gohdes
Understanding journalist killings.
The Journal of Politics, 83, Heft 4, S. 1216-1228.
Steinert, Christoph, Janina Steinert und Sabine C. Carey
Spoilers of peace: Pro-government militias as risk factors for conflict recurrence.
Journal of Peace Research, 56, Heft 2, S. 249-263.
Carey, Sabine C., und Neil J. Mitchell
Progovernment Militias.
Annual Review of Political Science, 20, Heft 1, S. 127–147.
Gohdes, Anita R., und Sabine C. Carey
Canaries in the Coal Mine: What the killings of journalists tell us about future repression.
Journal of Peace Research, 54, Heft 2, S. 157–174.
Carey, Sabine C., Michael P. Colaresi und Neil J. Mitchell
Risk Mitigation, Regime Security, and Militias: Beyond Coup-proofing.
International Studies Quarterly, 60, Heft 1, S. 59-72.
Carey, Sabine C., Michael P. Colaresi und Neil J. Mitchell
Governments, Informal Links to Militias, and Accountability.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59, Heft 5, S. 850-876.
Carey, Sabine C., Neil J. Mitchell und William E. M. Lowe
States, the security sector, and the monopoly on violence: A new database on pro-government militias.
Journal of Peace Research, 50, Heft 2, S. 249-258.
Web Publications
Carey, Sabine C.
The Promises and Perils of Pro-Government Militias in Armed Conflicts,
PeaceLab-Blog, https://peacelab.blog/2021/04/the-promises-and-perils-of-pro-government-militias-in-armed-conflicts (04/2021)
Carey, Sabine C., und Neil J. Mitchell
Pro-Government Militias and Armed Conflict,
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics mehr
Carey, Sabine C., Michael P. Colaresi und Neil J. Mitchell
The Silk Road to Insecurity: Why Not Public-Private Collaboration in the Security Sector?,
Political Violence @ a Glance, http://politicalviolenceataglance.org/2015/09/04/the-silk-road-to-insecurity-why-not-public-private-collaboration-in-the-security-sector/ mehr
Mitchell, Neil J., und Sabine C. Carey
Informal counterinsurgency from Iraq to Nigeria: Who pays the price?,
Washington Post's Monkey Cage Blog, https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/12/22/informal-counterinsurgency-from-iraq-to-nigeria-who-pays-the-price/ mehr
Carey, Sabine C., Eline Løvlien und Marie-Therese Meye
How conflict legacy shapes attitudes towards the police.
[58th North American Meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Ann Arbor, 07. bis 09. September 2024]
Carey, Sabine C., Anita R. Gohdes und Neil J. Mitchell
Autocrats and their Auxiliary Forces.
[13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, 22. bis 24. Juni 2023]
Carey, Sabine C., Anita R. Gohdes und Neil J. Mitchell
Autocrats and their Auxiliary Forces.
[119th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA, 31. August bis 03. September 2023]
Carey, Sabine C., Anita R. Gohdes und Neil J. Mitchell
Explaining the ability of pro-government militias to bolster leadership survival.
[The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, Münster, 23. bis 25. Februar 2023]
Carey, Sabine C., Marcela Ibanez und Eline Drury Lovlien
The long shadow of the past? Conflict legacy and perceived police effectiveness in Northern Ireland.
[13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, 22. bis 24. Juni 2023]
Carey, Sabine C., und Anita Gohdes
Killing bad news: International accountability and the treatment of the press.
[Workshop on The Political Economy of Inequality and Conflict, University of Konstanz, 16. bis 17. Juli 2015]
Carey, Sabine C.
Why Governments Use Militias in their Own Countries.
[Meeting of Scholarship Holders of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University of Mannheim, 08. bis 10. Mai 2015]
Gohdes, Anita, und Sabine C. Carey
Canaries in a Coal-mine? Predicting Changes in State Repression with Treatment of the Press.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, 25. bis 27. Juni 2015]
Rauschenbach, Mascha, und Sabine C. Carey
Targeting Contested Constituencies: How Spatial Patterns of Political Support Determine the Use of Negative Campaigning.
[41st Joint Sessions of Workshops “Going Dirty: Negative Campaigning in Elections and Referenda and its Effects on Citizens’ Attitudes and Behaviour", Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, 11. bis 16. März 2013]