Die Rolle sozialer Netzwerke für den Erfolg von Einheimischen und Migranten im deutschen (Aus-)Bildungssystem.
Shaker Verlag.
[Soziologische Studien]
Dr. Tobias Roth

Ehemaliger External Fellow und Projektleiter
Tobias.Roth [at] gesis.org
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
A2 Dimensionen gesellschaftlicher Integration: soziale Schichtung und soziale Ungleichheiten
RP9 A3 Fokusgruppen gesellschaftlicher Integration: Migration und ethnische Minderheiten
RP8 A3 Fokusgruppen gesellschaftlicher Integration: Migration und Integration
FP7 A2 Bildungssysteme, Arbeitsmärkte und soziale Ungleichheit
FP7 A3 Familie und Migration
(Anmerkung: In der Regel sind auf den Seiten ehemaliger Mitarbeiter/innen nur die am MZES entstandenen Publikationen verzeichnet sowie Publikationen, die nach dem Ausscheiden in Ko-Autorenschaft mit aktiven MZES-Mitarbeiter/innen entstanden sind.)
Beiträge in Zeitschriften
Weißmann, Markus, und Tobias Roth
Pre-existing company contacts and premature termination of apprenticeship training in Germany.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 87, (article no. 100839).
Roth, Tobias, und Markus Weißmann
The Role of Parents’ Native and Migrant Contacts on the Labour Market in the School-to-Work Transition of Adolescents in Germany.
European Sociological Review, 38, Heft 5, S. 707–724.
Kretschmer, David, und Tobias Roth
Why Do Friends Have Similar Educational Expectations? Separating Influence and Selection Effects.
European Sociological Review, 37, Heft 2, S. 201–217.
Roth, Tobias
The role of religion, religiousness and religious participation in the school-to-work transition in Germany.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, Heft 17, S. 3580-3602.
Siegert, Manuel, und Tobias Roth
Das schulische Selbstkonzept von türkeistämmigen Neuntklässlern und Neuntklässlern ohne Migrationshintergrund.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 72, Heft 4, S. 627–650.
Roth, Tobias
Welchen Einfluss hat die Schulzeitverkürzung am Gymnasium (G8) auf das Ausmaß der sozialen Ungleichheit beim Besuch der gymnasialen Oberstufe?.
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 22, Heft 5, S. 1247–1265.
Roth, Tobias, und Oliver Klein
Effekte politischer Reformen auf die außerfamiliäre frühkindliche Betreuungsbeteiligung von Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 70, Heft 3, S. 449–467.
Roth, Tobias
The influence of parents’ social capital on their children’s transition to vocational training in Germany.
Social Networks, 55, S. 74-85.
Roth, Tobias
Interpersonal Influences on Educational Expectations: New Evidence for Germany.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 48, Heft April, S. 68 - 84.
Roth, Tobias, und Manuel Siegert
Does the Selectivity of an Educational System Affect Social Inequality in Educational Attainment? Empirical Findings for the Transition from Primary to Secondary Level in Germany.
European Sociological Review, 32, Heft 6, S. 779 - 791.
Roth, Tobias, und Manuel Siegert
Freiheit versus Gleichheit? Der Einfluss der Verbindlichkeit der Übergangsempfehlung auf die soziale Ungleichheit in der Sekundarstufe.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 44, Heft 2, S. 118-136.
Roth, Tobias
Effects of Social Networks on Finding an Apprenticeship in the German Vocational Training System.
European Societies, 16, Heft 2, S. 233-254.
Roth, Tobias
The role of social capital in the explanation of educational success and educational inequalities.
Irish Educational Studies, 32, Heft 3, S. 335-354.
Siegert, Manuel, und Tobias Roth
Söhne bevorzugt? Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede beim Gymnasialbesuch türkischstämmiger Schülerinnen und Schüler.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 65, Heft 1, S. 49-72.
Roth, Tobias, und Zerrin Salikutluk
Attitudes and expectations: do attitudes towards education mediate the relationship between social networks and parental expectations?.
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33, Heft 5, S. 701-722.
Beiträge in Büchern
Roth, Tobias, und Markus Weißmann
Ethnic Differences in Social Capital Mobilization at the Transition to Vocational Training in Germany.
S. 369-401 in:
Sabine Weinert, Gwendolin Blossfeld, Hans-Peter Blossfeld
Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS).
1st. Aufl.,
Springer International Publishing.
Siegert, Manuel, Tobias Roth und Irena Kogan
Gendered Occupational Aspirations: A Comparison of Young Native-Born and Turkish Minority Women.
S. 403-423 in:
Sabine Weinert, Gwendolin Josephine Blossfeld, Hans-Peter Blossfeld
Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS).
Springer Nature.
Kristen, Cornelia, Yossi Shavit, Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin, Tobias Roth und Irit Adler
Achievement differences between immigrant and native fourth graders in Germany and Israel.
S. 191-209 in:
Rainer K. Silbereisen, Peter F. Titzmann, Yossi Shavit
The challenges of diaspora migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany.
Roth, Tobias, und Manuel Siegert
Die Bildungsbeteiligung ausländischer und deutscher Schüler/-innen in der Sekundarstufe in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung anhand von Aggregatdaten.
S. 159-187 in:
Andreas Hadjar, Sandra Hupka-Brunner
Geschlecht, Migrationshintergrund und Bildungserfolg.
Weinheim und Basel:
Beltz Juventa.
Roth, Tobias, Zerrin Salikutluk und Irena Kogan
Auf die „richtigen“ Kontakte kommt es an! Soziale Ressourcen und die Bildungsaspirationen der Mütter von Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschülern in Deutschland.
S. 179-212 in:
Birgit Becker, David Reimer
Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. Die Generierung von ethnischen und sozialen Disparitäten in der Bildungsbiographie.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Roth, Tobias
Die Rolle sozialer Netzwerke für den Erfolg von Einheimischen und Migranten im deutschen (Aus-)Bildungssystem.
University of Mannheim.
Weißmann, Markus, und Tobias Roth
Conflict and support during apprenticeship training in Germany: Consequences for apprenticeship success and further employment in the company.
[31st Annual Workshop Transitions in Youth (TiY), University of Warsaw, 04. bis 06. September 2024]
Weißmann, Markus, und Tobias Roth
Pre-existing firm contacts and satisfaction with and stability of apprenticeship training in Germany.
[DFG Priority Programme SPP1646 Education as a Lifelong Process: Final Conference of the third Funding Phase, (virtual conference), 28. bis 30. März 2022]
Roth, Tobias, und Markus Weißmann
The influence of parents’ social capital on their children’s transition to vocational training in Germany.
[1st Workshop of the Anglo-German Early Career Researcher Network on School-to-Work Transitions and Consequences for Individual Life Courses, Nürnberg, 04. bis 05. April 2019]
Roth, Tobias, und Markus Weißmann
The role of parents’ ethnic networks in the school-to-work transition in Germany.
[ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2019, Frankfurt, 21. bis 23. März 2019]
Weißmann, Markus, und Tobias Roth
Occupational aspirations and ethnic inequalities at the transition from school to vocational training in Germany.
[International Conference "Immigrants' Integration: Educational Opportunities & Life Chances", Ascona, 23. bis 28. Juni 2019]
Weißmann, Markus, und Tobias Roth
Occupational aspirations and ethnic inequalities at the transition from school to vocational training in Germany.
[27th Annual Workshop Transitions in Youth, Maastricht, 02. bis 05. Oktober 2019]
Kretschmer, David, und Tobias Roth
Are Peer Effects in Educatonal Expectations Real? Spearating Influence, Selection, and Spurious Effects.
[26th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network Transitions in Youth (TIY), MZES, Mannheim, 05. bis 08. September 2018]
Roth, Tobias
Der Einfluss bildungspolitischer Reformen auf die soziale Ungleichheit beim Sekundarschulbesuch.
[9. Nutzerkonferenz "Forschen mit dem Mikrozensus", Mannheim, 27. bis 28. November 2018]
Roth, Tobias
The role of parents' ethnic networks in the school-to-work transition in Germany.
[Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Erziehungswissenschaft, Bern, 05. Dezember 2018]
Roth, Tobias
"Vitamin B" bei der Lehrstellensuche.
[5. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung "Durch Bildung gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen meistern", Heidelberg, 13. bis 15. März 2017]
Roth, Tobias
Ethnic networks and ethnic differences at the transition to vocational training in Germany.
[Colloquium of the DFG Priority Programme 1646 'Education as a Lifelong Process. Analyzing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), Florenz, 23. bis 24. Mai 2017]
Roth, Tobias, und Markus Weißmann
On the way from school to work: investigating ethnic inequalities in the transition to vocational training in Germany.
[ECSR 2017 Conference "Institutions, Inequality and Social Dynamics", Bocconi University, Milano, 31. August bis 02. September 2017]
Roth, Tobias
The role of ethnicity, religion and religiousness for the school-to-work transition.
[International closing conference of second funding phase of DFG Priority Programme 1646 “Education as a Lifelong Process. Analyzing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)”, Bamberg, 04. bis 05. Dezember 2017]
Weißmann, Markus, und Tobias Roth
Ethnic networks and ethnic differences at the transition to vocational training in Germany.
[3rd International Conference on Transitions in Youth, Young Adulthood and Beyond, University of Bern, 29. bis 30. September 2017]
Roth, Tobias
Der Einfluss des sozialen Umfelds auf die realistischen Bildungsaspirationen von Jugendlichen am Ende der Sekundarstufe I.
[38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Universität Bamberg, 26. bis 30. September 2016]
Roth, Tobias
Interpersonal influences on the apprenticeship search in Germany.
[24th Annual Workshop of Transitions in Youth (TIY): Transition to Adulthood and Life Course Inequalities: Good Entry, Good Life?, University of Trento, 07. bis 10. September 2016]
Roth, Tobias
The influence of parents’ social networks on the transition after secondary level I in Germany.
[Colloquium of the DFG Priority Programme 1646 'Education as a Lifelong Process. Analyzing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)', European University Institute, Firenze, 15. bis 16. September 2016]
Roth, Tobias, und Manuel Siegert
Freedom of choice versus equality? The effect of families’ free choice at the first crucial transition in the educational system of Germany on the extent of social inequality of educational attainment.
[ECSR Conference 2015 – Cumulative Inequalities in the Life Course, Tallinn University, 10. bis 12. September 2015]
Roth, Tobias
Interpersonal Influences on Educational Aspirations: New Evidence for Germany.
[GIF Workshop “Globalization, mobility, immigration and inequality in a comparative perspective”, Berlin, 01. bis 02. Dezember 2015]
Roth, Tobias
Social Networks and the Transition from Education to Work.
[First Conference of the Second Funding Phase of the DFG Priority Programme 1646: Education as a Lifelong Process, Bamberg, 01. bis 02. Oktober 2015]
Roth, Tobias, und Manuel Siegert
Primary school recommendation and educational inequality: What effect does the bindingness of primary school recommendation have on the class-specific distribution of students on different school types in secondary education in Germany?.
[International Conference: How do educational systems shape educational inequalities?, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 02. bis 04. Juli 2014]
Siegert, Manuel, und Tobias Roth
Of Preferences and Restrictions - Occupational Aspirations of Young Women with a Turkish Background.
[Final Conference of the First Funding Phase / DFG Priority Programme 1646: "Education as a Lifelong Process", Leibnitz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V. (LIfBi), Bamberg, 15. bis 16. Dezember 2014]
Roth, Tobias
Social Networks and Apprenticeship Search: The Role of Accessed and Mobilized Social Capital for Finding an Apprenticeship in the German Vocational Training System.
[ECSR Conference: Developments in Social Inequality and Social Cohesion, Tilburg University, 14. bis 16. Oktober 2013]
Roth, Tobias
Effects of Social Networks on Finding an Apprenticeship in the German Vocational Training System.
[20th annual workshop TIY: Transition in Youth: A 20 Year Perspective, Nijmegen, 05. bis 08. September 2012]
Roth, Tobias
Effects of Social Networks on Finding an Apprenticeship in the German Vocational Training System.
[ECSR/EQUALSOC Conference: Economic change, Quality of life and Social cohesion, Stockholm, 24. bis 26. September 2012]
Roth, Tobias
Social Networks, Attitudes and Expectations: Do Attitudes Towards Education Mediate the Relationship Between Social Networks and Parental Expectations?.
[International Sociological Association RC28 on Social Stratification and Social Mobility Spring Meeting, Hong Kong, 10. bis 13. Mai 2012]
Roth, Tobias
The role of social resources for the explanation of ethnic educational inequalities in the German school system.
[I.N.T.E.G.R.A.T.I.O.N. - Institutional and Life-Course Perspectives on Migration, Bremen, 20. bis 22. Januar 2011]
Siegert, Manuel, und Tobias Roth
Favouring Sons over Daughters? Gender specific differences with regard to pupils with Turkish background attending a Gymnasium.
[Gender Variations in Educational Success: Searching for Causes, Luxemburg, 03. bis 05. Oktober 2011]
Roth, Tobias
The Role of Social Resources for the Explanation of Ethnic Educational Inequalities in the German School System.
[BiKS Summer School “Institutional and Contextual Determinants of Educational Judgement, Decision Making and Learning, Universität Bamberg, 21. bis 24. September 2010]
Salikutluk, Zerrin, und Tobias Roth
Attitudes and Aspirations: Do Attitudes Towards Education Mediate the Relationship between Social Networks and the Level of Realistic Aspirations?.
[Equalsoc EDUC Research Group: Diplomas: Expectations and Returns, ESRI / Dublin, 28. bis 29. Januar 2010]
Salikutluk, Zerrin, Irena Kogan und Tobias Roth
Success of Migrant children and youths in the educational systems of Israel and Germany.
[Outcome Workshop 'Migration and societal Integration' of the German-Israeli Research Consortium, Axica Congress Centre, Berlin, 23. bis 24. März 2010]